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Friday, September 4, 2020
Formaldehyde: History and Importance
Formaldehyde: History and Importance 1.0INTRODUCTION Formaldehyde is the primary individual from the aldehyde family (CH2O) and is the most significant aldehyde in the environment.3 It is a normally happening concoction and a side-effect of most living beings, including human, modern and regular procedures. Formaldehyde structures from the deficient burning of carbon-containing materials; smoke from timberland fires, in vehicle exhaust, and in tobacco smoke. Air formaldehyde is shaped by the activity of daylight and oxygen on methane and other hydrocarbons.2 Due to its straightforward nature, metabolic procedures break formaldehyde into carbon dioxide. Formaldehyde doesn't collect in nature or inside plants, creatures or individuals, as it rapidly separates in the body and the atmosphere.1 It has an impactful scent and is an aggravation and is an aggravation to eyes, nose and throat, even at low focuses. The suggested scent location limit is between 0.05 1ppm.3 Formaldehyde is a significant modern compound and is utilized in the assembling of numerous mechanical items and purchaser articles. In excess of 50 parts of industry presently use formaldehyde, chiefly as fluid arrangements and formaldehyde-containing tars. In 1995, the interest for formaldehyde in the three significant markets Northern America, Western Europe, Japan was 4.1ãÆ'-106 t/a [Chem. Frameworks Inc.: Formaldehyde (April 1996).]. History of Formaldehyde Exploration in the mid 1800s by Liebig found the concoction sythesis and nature of different aldehydes barring formaldehyde because of the straightforwardness with which methanol was oxidized to formic corrosive and further integrated to carbon dioxide and water.5 In 1859, Alexandra Mikhailovich Butlerov accidentally found formaldehyde because of his proposed amalgamation of methylene glycol [CH2 (OH)2]. During his research facility analyze, Butlerov watched the particular scent of the formaldehyde arrangement while hydrolysing methylene acetic acid derivation, which decayed to frame formaldehyde and water. 5 He additionally delivered formaldehyde in different structures which drove him to distribute a nitty gritty report of formaldehyde arrangement, its gas and polymer. He gave extra proof of its structure and portrayed the compound responses along with the making of hexamethylenetetramine, [(CH2)6N4] on responding with smelling salts, (NH3). The primary route by which formaldehyde is as yet being created till date was found by A.W. Hofmann however with different impetuses. In 1868, Hofmann made a progressive achievement by passing a blend of methanol and air over a warmed platinum winding. This procedure is at present industrialized by utilization of a metal impetus. More than two decades later, the segregation and decontamination of formaldehyde was accomplished by Friedrich Von Stradonitz (1892). 4 1882 checked two critical enhancements in formaldehyde research. Kekule at that point portrayed the arrangement of unadulterated formaldehyde and Tollens found a strategy for controlling the methanol fume: air proportion, consequently influencing the yield of the reaction.6 The winding platinum impetus was supplanted with progressively productive copper bandage in 1886 by Leow. Business production of formaldehyde was started by a German firm, Mercklin and Losekann in 1889 with the main utilization of silver impetus licensed by Hugo Blank, another German organization in 1910. 6 Mechanical improvement proceeded from 1900 to 1905, when plant sizes, stream rates, yields, and proficiency were expanded. In 1905, Badische AnilinSoda-Fabrik (BASF) began to produce formaldehyde by a consistent procedure utilizing a crystalline silver impetus. Formaldehyde yield was 30 kg/d as a watery 30 wt% arrangement. The methanol required for the creation of formaldehyde was at first acquired from the lumber business via carbonizing wood. The improvement of the high-pressure union of methanol by BASF in 1925 permitted the creation of formaldehyde on a genuine mechanical scale. 6 Significance of Formaldehyde For a very long while, formaldehyde has been utilized reliably in a wide scope of items, extending from individual cleanliness, to medication, to building items and considerably more. Various tars are made from formaldehyde, which are thus used to make different materials having various properties. Formaldehyde subsidiaries are utilized as additives in close to home cleanliness items since they eliminate microscopic organisms or they are utilized to make different items progressively powerful as far as frothing activity, for example, cleansers and cleansers. Its adaptable science and remarkable properties have made applications for utilization of formaldehyde in a wide range of consistently items, for example, plastics, covering, apparel, saps, pastes, drugs, immunizations and the film utilized in x-beams. One of the principal benefits you get from formaldehyde science is as a kid, when you got your immunizations for youth ailments. These incorporate diphtheria, polio and flu, to give some examples. Since it likewise goes about as an additive, formaldehyde assumes a basic job in our clinical schools, safeguarding bodies utilized in showing human life systems. It has been utilized for tissue and organ conservation for over a century and has incredibly helped the development of natural science.1 Significance of Green Processes The idea of Green Chemistry lessens or wipe out the utilization or age of unsafe substances in the structure, assembling and use of compound items. This aides in managing the consistently developing increment to secure nature and the idea of supportability. A great deal of accentuation depends on the innovative work period of every compound or item, to diminish issues influencing human wellbeing and natural contamination. For each synthetic or given item, the accompanying rules ought to oversee the decision of route:7 * Choice of feed-stock (costs are important obviously, yet additionally complete assets, vitality, squander, and so on in the assembling of the given feed-stock are significant elements) * Choice of response way (limit vitality prerequisites by utilization of particular impetuses) * Choice of impetus (proficiency, detachment from item, reusing of impetus) * Down-stream preparing/unit tasks (limiting the quantity of stages important to acquire the item in the state wanted by the client) * Minimizing the sum contaminations, yet in addition the volume of waste streams (gushing/off-gases and strong waste) * Recycling of assistant, side-, and transitional items into the procedure. This report centers around physical and synthetic properties of formaldehyde (CH2O), its creation procedures and development through time as it attempts to fit in with a portion of the standards of green science. 2.0PROPERTIES OF VARIOUS FORMS OF FORMALDEHYDE Formaldehyde is more convoluted than numerous straightforward carbon mixes in light of the fact that it receives various structures. Formaldehyde is a gas at room temperature, however the gas promptly changes over to an assortment of subordinates. These subordinates for the most part carry on also to vaporous formaldehyde and are utilized in industry.4 Physical Properties I. Monomeric formaldehyde: This type of formaldehyde [50-00-0], CH2O is a vapid gas that has a foul, overwhelming scent and is an aggravation to eyes, nose, throat and skin. Monomeric formaldehyde melts at - 19 °C, and hardens at - 80 °C to give a white glue. The fluid and gas stages polymerise promptly at low and ordinary temperatures up to 80 °C. Unadulterated formaldehyde gas, then again, doesn't polymerise between 80 100 °C and carries on as a perfect gas. In spite of the fact that it isn't monetarily accessible in this structure, it tends to be set up in the research facility by the Spencer and Wilde method.6, 3 The atomic recipe of vaporous formaldehyde in surrounding air is demonstrated as follows. II. Trioxane: 1, 3, 5-Trioxane is a stable cyclic trimer of formaldehyde, C3H6O3. It shows up as a white strong with a chloroform-like smell yet doesn't make any type of disturbance living things. The unadulterated type of trioxane softens at 61 62 °C bubbles at 11 °5C and has a blaze purpose of 45 °C. Trioxane is utilized as a feedstock for certain plastics, strong fuel tablet recipes and as a steady wellspring of formaldehyde in laboratories.8, 3 III. Paraformaldehyde: this is a dreary, granular strong with a sharp and disturbing smell. It is set up by buildup of methylene glycol (HOCH2 OH), and its creation is best communicated by the recipe HO-(HCHO) Q-H. Paraformaldehyde dissolves over a wide temperature go (120-170C), which relies upon the level of polymerization. It has comparative uses to formaldehyde; it is usually utilized as a wellspring of formaldehyde for cleaning enormous areas.3 IV. Formalin: The essential market for formaldehyde is in watery structure, Formalin. It is an away from with the trademark scent of formaldehyde. Methanol is ordinarily present, 6-15%, to stifle polymerisation. In watery stage, the prevailing type of formaldehyde is methylene glycol and polyoxymethlene glycol for concentrated solutions.3 Concoction Reactions of Formaldehyde I. Decay: In warm disintegration, formaldehyde is moderately steady. At 150C, formaldehyde experiences heterogeneous decay to frame methanol and carbon dioxide. Above 350C, the response breaks down to frame carbon dioxide hydrogen. Impetuses, for example, platinum, copper, chromium and aluminum are associated with this deterioration response to frame methanol, methyl formate, formic corrosive, carbon dioxide and methane.6 2HCHO à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’CH3OH+CO HCHO à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ ’CO+ H2 II. Polymerisation: At room temperatures and low weights, formaldehyde monomer fumes will in general polymerise while at higher temperatures, monomeric HCHO can be kept up promptly for a few hours without polymerisation at a harmony fume pressure. In the fluid stage, formaldehyde is oxidized promptly by even gentle oxidizing specialists, for example, Ag(NH3)2+, and this property has been misused in the advancement of a few wet-compound expository strategies for formaldehyde.3 III. Decrease a
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Communication for ITS Professional-Free-Samples for Students
Questions: 1.Discuss about the Difference between Emergent Leadership, Shared Leadership and Assigned Leadership. 2.Discuss about the Use of innovation as a specialized instrument in e-authority versus F2F administration. Answers: 1.Difference between Emergent Leadership, Shared Leadership and Assigned Leadership Rising Leadership-A representative of an organization is considered as developing initiative when the individual enthusiastically takes undertakings, energizes congruity among different laborers of the organization and furthermore encourages different workers to finish their progressing assignments in a superior manner and if there exists any issue in finishing the errands (Kayworth Leidner, 2017). Before getting the handle of administration, one needs to demonstrate that he/she is a new pioneer. This administration gives an advantage to know the updates on an advancement ahead of time and watch that the individual can do the activity or not. A representative of an organization needs more thankfulness from the rising heads in contrast with allocated pioneers. Doled out Leadership-The standard from their own situation of the allocated pioneers are determined in the chain of importance of the organization. The allocated pioneers assume regard from their workers and the title itself has quality in it (Snellman, 2014). Deciding insight, aptitudes to tackle the issues and offer inspiration to the workers to hold their position are on the whole abilities of an alloted initiative. Common Leadership-The specialists or obligations that are shared among the individuals from a gathering is known as shared initiative. In a group, multiple individuals are selected as pioneers and they partition the work among them so that there doesn't exists any infringement among the individual from the gathering and the arrive at its objective effectively. All the pioneers are responsible to one another as they are attempting to accomplish an objective for a group and furthermore keep up its bearing. Positions of authority among the individual from the gathering are given according to their experience. 2.Use of innovation as a specialized apparatus in e-authority versus F2F administration F2F authority is an up close and personal administration that is directed among pioneers and representatives or two pioneers in a vis-Ã -vis way. While, e-administration otherwise called virtual authority utilizes texts, meetings over video calls, messages, Skpye or Google Hangouts for conveying. Encountering a total correspondence is refreshing among the workers or members in a cooperation that is led in vis-Ã -vis (Zander et al., 2012). The members of the correspondence get an opportunity for reacting the data they gets in a flash, gives a criticism and furthermore can thinks about the data that are conveyed to them. F2F correspondence encourages the members to get data direct from the sender diminishes the time, separation and culture between the sender and beneficiary. E-pioneers convey through Google Hangout, email, messages or video meetings. The utilization of innovation in e-initiative gives a great deal of data in a less time span and makes an expansive exhibit of scenes for correspondence. As the relational aptitudes are separated in virtual abilities, the pioneers of virtual correspondence centers around task more than the individual connections. For a group to prevail on its objective, compassion trust and connection are additionally basic. The virtual association gives none of the relational connections. The contentions of the relational abilities are hard to discover for the e-pioneers. 2.Examples of errand related practices that makes e-initiative compelling The fundamental focal point of undertaking related authority is that the pioneer primarily focus to finish the venture that they are chipping away at. They set a make way and center a valuable objective defining to accomplish their objectives. They plan their cutoff times and work in like manner. The structure, objectives and the jobs are isolated among the individuals from the gathering in like manner. They essentially center to introduce the outcomes that are wanted from them. Two models are refered to underneath that clarifies task situated initiative. M. Pei, a celebrated American-Chinese designer in twentieth century. He has structured John F. Kennedy Library and Louver Pyramid (Hambley et al., 2007). He surrendered his work in Harvard where he was working and joined NDRC (National Defense Research Committee). His incredible plan and architecting put him on the map as an undertaking focused pioneer. A respectable designer and an analyst, Gordon Moore made recipe that is notable as Moores Law. He understood the segments on a circuit that is coordinated would be twofold every year, except later he improved the law and assessed each year to each multi year and named it as Moores Law. Moore basically centered around circuits that contain miniaturized scale parts and oversee and sort out individuals who are answerable for building them. This made him a well known assignment situated pioneer.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Michelangelo Essays (1390 words) - Visual Arts, Sistine Chapel
Michelangelo Michelangelo Michelangelo was skeptical in his verse what's more, a positive thinker in his fine art. Michelangelo's fine art comprised of canvases what's more, molds that demonstrated mankind in it's normal state. Michelangelo's verse was cynical in his reaction to Strazzi despite the fact that he was supplementing him. Michelangelo's model drew out his confidence. Michelangelo was hopeful in finishing The Tomb of Pope Julius II and drove forward through it's numerous modifications attempting to finish his vision. Figure was Michelangelo's fundamental objective and the affection for his life. Since his craft depicted both idealism furthermore, cynicism, Michelangelo was in contact with his positive and negative sides, indicating that he had an extraordinary and stable character. Michelangelo's work of art comprised of artistic creations what's more, molds that demonstrated mankind in it's common state. Michelangelo Buonarroti was called to Rome in 1505 by Pope Julius II to make for him a momentous tomb. We have no away from of what the tomb was to look like, since throughout the years it experienced at any rate five theoretical corrections. The tomb was to have three levels; the base level was to have etched figures speaking to Victory and bond slaves. The subsequent level was to have sculptures of Moses and Saint Paul just as representative figures of the dynamic what's more, pondering life-delegate of the human taking a stab at, and gathering of, information. The third level, it is expected, was to have a model of the expired pope. The tomb of Pope Julius II was rarely wrapped up. What was done of the tomb speaks to a twenty-year range of baffling postponements what's more, amended plans. Michelangelo had scarcely started chip away at the pope's tomb when Julius told him to fresco the roof of the Sistine Chapel to complete the work done in the earlier century under Sixtus IV. The by and large association comprises of four enormous triangles at the corner; a progression of eight triangular spaces on the external fringe; a transitional arrangement of figures; and nine focal boards, all bound along with compositional themes and bare male figures. The corner triangles delineate courageous activity in the Old Testament, while the other eight triangles delineate the scriptural precursors of Jesus Christ. Michelangelo imagined and executed this tremendous fill in as a solitary unit. It's general significance is an issue. The issue has drawn in history specialists of workmanship for ages without good goals. The artistic creations that were finished by Michelangelo had been painted with the most splendid hues that just blossomed the entire roof as one entered to look. The roof had been finished only a short while after the Pope had kicked the bucket. The Sistine Chapel is the best fresco at any point done. Michelangelo epitomized numerous trademark characteristics of the Renaissance. An individualistic, exceptionally serious virtuoso (now and again to the point of erraticism). Michelangelo was not hesitant to show humankind in it's normal state - exposure; even before the Pope what's more, the different strict pioneers. Michelangelo depicted life all things considered, indeed, even with it's difficulties. Michelangelo needed to communicate his own aesthetic thoughts. The most confounding thing about Michelangelo's roof configuration is the extraordinary number of apparently unimportant naked figures that he remembered for his huge fresco. Four young people outline the greater part of the Genesis scenes. We know from authentic records that different church authorities questioned the numerous nudes, yet Pope Julius gave Michelangelo imaginative opportunity, and inevitably governed the house of prayer untouchable to anybody spare himself, until the composition was finished. The numerous naked figures are alluded to as Ignudi. They are bare people, maybe speaking to the bare truth. More probable, I think they speak to Michelangelo's idea of the human potential for flawlessness. Michelangelo himself stated, Whoever makes progress toward flawlessness is endeavoring for something divine. In painting bare people, he is proposing the incomplete human; every one of us is brought into the world bare with a psyche and a body, in Neoplatonic thought, with the ability to be our own shapers. Michelangelo has an extraordinary character for his time. In Rome, in 1536, Michelangelo was grinding away on the Last Judgment for the special raised area mass of the Sistine Chapel, which he completed in 1541. The biggest fresco of the Renaissance, it portrays Judgment Day. Christ, with an applaud of thunder, kicks off the unavoidable partition, with the spared rising on the left half of the artwork and the accursed sliding on the directly into a Dantesque damnation. Similar to his custom, Michelangelo depicted all the figures bare, yet pedantic draperies were included by another craftsman (who was named the breeches-producer) after 10 years, as the social atmosphere turned out to be increasingly traditionalist. Michelangelo painted his own picture in the excoriated skin of St. Bartholomew. Despite the fact that he was additionally given another painting commission, the
The Ultimate Value of Promoting Respect in Schools
The Ultimate Value of Promoting Respect in Schools The estimation of regard in school can't be undersold. It is as ground-breaking of a change specialist as another program or an incredible teacher. A absence of regard can be out and out negative, totally sabotaging the strategic instructing and learning. In late years, it appears that a deferential learning condition is nearly non-existent in numerous schools the nation over. It appears that there is a bunch of every day reports featuring affront imposed against instructors by understudies, guardians, and considerably different educators. Lamentably, this is definitely not a single direction road. You routinely hear stories with respect to educators who misuse their position one way or another. This is a dismal reality that requirements to change right away. Educators and Respect By what means would teachers be able to anticipate that their understudies should regard them on the off chance that they are not ready to be aware to their students? Respect should frequently be talked about, yet more critically, consistently demonstrated by teachers. When an educator won't be deferential to their understudies, it subverts their power and makes a characteristic hindrance that prevents understudy learning. Students won't flourish in a situation where the instructor violates their position. Fortunately most instructors are aware towards their understudies on a reliable premise. Only a couple of decades back, educators were worshipped for their commitments. Unfortunately, those days are apparently gone. Teachers used to get the opportunity to be vindicated. On the off chance that an understudy made a less than stellar score, it was on the grounds that the understudy was not doing what they should do in class. Presently, if an understudy is fizzling, the fault is regularly laid on the educator. Educators can unfortunately do a limited amount of much with the constrained time that they have with their understudies. It is simple for society to lay fault on the educators and make them the substitutes. It addresses the general absence of regard for all instructors. At the point when regard turns into the standard, the instructors are affected altogether also. Holding and drawing in extraordinary instructors becomes simpler when there is a desire for an aware learning condition. No instructor appreciates study hall the board. There is no denying that it is a basic segment of educating. Nonetheless, they are called educators, not study hall managers. A instructors work turns out to be a lot less complex when they can use their opportunity to instruct instead of training their understudies. This absence of regard in schools can at last be followed back to what is instructed in the home. To be obtuse, numerous guardians neglect to impart the significance of guiding principle, for example, regard as they once did. Because of this, in the same way as other things in todays society, the school has needed to assume on the liability of showing these standards through character training programs.â Schools must intercede and actualize programs that encourage common regard in starting evaluations. Imparting regard as a fundamental belief in schools will improve the overculture of a school and eventually lead to progressively singular accomplishment as understudies have a sense of security and OK with their condition. Advance Respect in Schools Regard signifies both a constructive sentiment of regard for an individual and furthermore explicit activities and behaviors illustrative of that regard. Regard can be characterized as permitting yourself as well as other people to do and be their best. It is the objective of Any Where Public Schools to make a commonly aware climate between all people required inside our school including heads, instructors, staff individuals, understudies, guardians, guests. All things considered, all substances are relied upon to stay deferential to one another consistently. Understudies and instructors particularly are relied upon to welcome each other with kind words and understudy/educator trades ought to be amicable, in a suitable tone, and ought to stay good. Most of understudy/educator connection should be sure. All school work force and understudies are relied upon to utilize the accompanying words that show regard for someone else at the suitable occasions while tending to one another: PleaseThank YouYoure WelcomeExcuse MeMay I Help YouYes Sir, No Sir or Yes Maam, No Maam
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Poetry of Sylvia Plath Essays
The Poetry of Sylvia Plath Essays The Poetry of Sylvia Plath Paper The Poetry of Sylvia Plath Paper Plath’s genuine union with the writer Ted Hughes required, as even a careless look of the biographic record demonstrates, a replication of the â€Å"Tyrant†subject related with her dad in her diaries and in the sonnet â€Å"Daddy. †The ignoble subtleties of Plath’s union with Hughes included sexual control and accommodation, physical battling, disloyalty, beautiful competition, and an investigation of otherworldliness, including Cabalistic work and magickal activities. This last thought of magickal and cabalistic practices urges the sonnet â€Å"Daddy†in a hidden self-portraying reference â€Å"With my vagabond ancestress and my unusual karma/And my Taroc pack and my Taroc pack/I might be somewhat of a Jew. †These lines may appear to be dark - or simply inside the created extent of the sonnet; be that as it may, assessment of Plath’s memoir uncovers that these lines conjure her feeling of abuse through supernatural quality likely carried upon by her magickal relationship with Hughes. Notwithstanding Cabala , crystal gazing, and Tarot, Hughes rehearsed entrancing on Plath trying to manage her to self-certification and beautiful motivation. (Malcom). In â€Å"Daddy,†Plath distinguishes herself, supernaturally, as an aggrieved Jew showing that she respected Hughes’ endeavors to control her as fake and obliging of her own endowments, which, thusly, brought upon her own coercion to mistreatment. Rather than light, darkness, oozes from father and spouse. Here, a significant qualification among collection of memoirs and story is made; a differentiation which drives the sonnet in a Confessional mode from the only close to home, and along these lines turning out to be, maybe, bloated or sensational instead of hypnotizing and emotional. This differentiation is that Plath recognizes her speaker with the Jews of the Auschwitz, Dachua, and Belsen inhumane imprisonments, lifting up her own method of enduring brought upon by her dads demise and her injurious union with a height that would resound not just with those acquainted with a mind-blowing subtleties yet with the individuals who had never known her. All things considered, the sonnet picks up its generally evil and maybe most impressive energies from profoundly self-portraying admission. That â€Å"Daddy†was composed by Plath as an activity in close to home purification, just as a verse sonnet intended to energize enormous crowds, is self-evident. The lines which apparently suddenly allude to San Francisco: Ghastly sculpture with one dark toe/Big as a Frisco Seal/And a head in the extraordinary Atlantic. †distinguish the daddy in the sonnet â€Å"as a monster who extends across America from the Atlantic to the Pacifica mammoth much bigger than the one portrayed in The Colossus. These apparently dark subtleties are in certainty references to Plaths father: the Ghastly sculpture with one dim toe is Otto Plaths gangrenous leg, and San Francisco Bay is the place he led his examination on muscid hatchlings. †(Plath 194). The poem’s account circular segment hints self destruction in the poem’s opening lines, and rehashes the assertion of self destruction in the lines â€Å"At twenty I attempted to bite the dust/And get back, back, back to you.? I thought even bones would do. †Thus, self destruction turns into the understood type of retribution with the â€Å"stake†in Daddy’s â€Å"fat dark heart†being the stake of death-and the poet’s demise as a demonstration of vengeance and individual strengthening. Annas, Pamela J. A Disturbance in Mirrors: The Poetry of Sylvia Plath. New York: Greenwood Press, 1988. Plath, Sylvia. The Unabridged Journals of Sylvia Plath. New York NY Anchor Books. 2000. Plath, Sylvia The Collected Poems New York NY: HarperPerennial 1992. Malcolm, Janet. The Silent Woman: Sylvia Plath Ted Hughes. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1994.
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Walking in Tims Shoes
Walking in Tim’s Shoes Try to find me in this picture! Just kidding, that’s a trick question! When I got an email last week from Chris asking for volunteers to man the Tim the Beaver costume that weekend, my response was, naturally, YES YES YES YES YES YES PLEASE!!! ME!!!!!! I managed to tone it down enough to send a coherent response and spent the next twenty-four hours compulsively checking every email alert on my phone until I got the good news. And that’s pretty much how, one week after starting classes at MIT, I got to be Tim the Beaver. Get to check that one off my list of 101 Things to Do Before You Graduate! It’s always sort of fascinating when something you’ve been taking for granted turns out to be a lot more complex and thought-through than you originally realized. It was really interesting seeing all the equipment and preparation that goes into making a mascot! For one: there’s a process behind putting on the Tim costume. And an application. And a video. In fact, there’s an entire website moderating the rental and upkeep of Tim. If you want a printable and check-able list of all the steps to becoming MITs favorite beaver, you can find that too! Before you are deemed trustworthy of walking in those furry two-foot-long shoes, you have to complete the required “Tim training†and then take a comprehension quiz to verify your preparation. This beaver isn’t messing around! And then there’s the costume itself. Beneath the plush exterior, there’s a whole infrastructure to keep Tim and his avatar functional and comfortable. For instance, I bet you didn’t know that Tim comes with his own personal cooling system. Step 1 of donning the costume is taking the custom Tim the Beaver ice packs out of the freezer and arranging them in a vest that the performer wears strapped to his chest. Then, before putting on Tim’s head, you have to remember to turn on the personal fan installed inside. (It took me and two other MIT engineers to get the AC working, haha!) Then, to give Tim his lovely pear shaped-figure, the performer has to put on a set of body rings. The “body form†is reminiscent of a Victorian hoop skirt affixed around the midsection, and makes you look like a bottom-heavy roly-poly. (I find this piece of clothing hilarious.) Ceri also volunteered to be Tim later in the day, and let me take pictures of her while she was putting on the suit! After stepping into the furry body suit, it’s time to put on Tim’s head. Here’s the truth: Tim has a really, really big head. You don’t realize how big Tim’s head is until you really take a good look at someone standing nearby and compare proportions. As a performer, you’re actually looking through Tim’s mouth. Before putting on the costume, I was a little worried that I was going to be too short. I didn’t realize that the head adds a good foot and a half to your height! Because of the big helmet, Tim has almost no peripheral vision, and his big furry feet make it hard to walk. I have a whole new appreciation for whoever was being Tim the Beaver in the picture I took during the chaotic freshmen trip to the New England Aquarium. In the aquarium, it was dark and crowded and the floor was uneven, and Tim was working it like a pro. Here hes posing with me and my friends. Thankfully, Tim has a chaperone at all times, to help with navigation (and to make sure he doesn’t get up to any antics ;D) Finally, after getting dressed and making my way over to the venue, Tim was ready for his moment to shine! I was having so much fun getting to take pictures with everybody, I couldnt help grinning ear to ear the entire time (even though Tim couldnt stop smiling if he tried!). In true presidential fashion, I even got to take a picture with a baby. He was really enthralled by the fuzzy suit! Getting used to the Tim costume took some finesse. I couldn’t see anything to either side of me, so I had to kind of guess where people were while trying to pose for a picture with them. I’m pretty sure a couple times someone sidled up without me noticing them and then was standing there wondering why Tim didn’t want to take a picture with them! The trick was to stick your arm out to the side whenever someone looked like they wanted a picture and let them navigate. ;) Because of the heat and weight of the costume, there’s a forty-minute time limit on how long one person can wear it, so after thirty minutes I was called off duty. Shes reaching the safety limit on the suit, captain. Time to abort and commence extraction. But before I left, there was one thing I absolutely had to do first. Now I can say that I’ve actually been Tim the Beaver…how cool is that?!?! ***P.S. Big thanks to Ceri for letting me use the pictures I took of her putting the costume on! She makes an awesome Tim :D
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
English Essay Example Pdf - Free Essay Example
Discuss whether the use of English in non-ENL countries can be seen as a neutral, a harmful or a beneficial activity. English, which is often referred to as the language of the planet is spoken by more than 750 million people worldwide. This global phenomenon, if not spoken by millions as a mother tongue is spoken by many as a second language or taught in educational institutions as a foreign language. The diversity of its speakers has sparked considerable amount of interest, along with the types of English used in many countries. Alongside an immense number of speakers of a single language come the various types of speaker: those whos English is a mother tongue, those of whom whose English is a second language, and those for whom it is a foreign language. This analysis attempts to establish whether the use of English in non native speaking countries have adverse or positive effects. Only a few centuries ago did English exist as a form of dialects spoken by the lower middle classes in the province of Britain. Dominated by the prestige languages of Latin and French, the language of the pre-English period (-c AD 450) was Celtic, a language spoken by those living in Britain and surrounding areas. When the Romans first invaded Britain, a number of Celtic speaking peoples inhabited Britain, even though Latin was the official language of the province. According to the source Women in Roman Britain, By the end of the first century AD the increasingly cosmopolitan flavour of the urban population will have resulted in many languages being heard in Britain with the consequence that a knowledge of Latin would have been essential for efficient communication between people who could have originated as far afield as Scotland, Africa or Turkey (Allason-Jones, 1989, p174). Residents who would have migrated from such countries inevitably needed a mutual form of communication in order to keep activities such as trade going. During the pre-English period, the vast number of occurring mixed and interracial marriages would have resulted in the inevitable introduction of f oreign languages into Britain. This thus establishes Britain as a multilingual community, having contact with other parts of the world. Since Latin, a language which had been a lingua franca in Britain had by this time, been challenged by the increasing number of inhabitants speaking English, it had to leave in order to find a new position, since people were still using it but were also using Celtic. At this time, Latin, which wasnt an official language of Britain had now been established as a language of communication by those residing in England and those migrating to England, and was now seen as a useful source of promoting and providing the existence of beneficial activities such as administration and trade. The use of Latin had by then been the dominant language of government and administration. How the use of such a universal and phenomenal language such as English had been established can only be discovered if its origins are traced. The earliest piece of writing in English is said to be a carving found in Norwich dating from AD 400. This runic script is said to resemble the Latin or Greek alphabet, and was used in various Germanic languages, bought to England by those residing in mainland Europe. *The influence of Latin on the English Language is very high, even though Latin is a somewhat archaic language, only now taught in prestige schools such as Eton College. 1066 was a year of deterioration not just in terms of radical political changes but in major linguistics. Often viewed as a milestone on the road to civilization, it also played a major part in the development of Modern English. During this precarious time when the entire Normandy dynasty had been gained by the King of France, regular contacts with the French court bought with it colossal changes in the main method of communication. This conflict brought about a period of close contact and often bitter rivalry between the English and the French which in some respects has lasted into the present century. Ideas about Englishness often reflect whatever is considered to be not French (p121). The consequence of this invasion has caused the English Language to contain many derivations of French, referred to as the language of honour, chivalry and justice. During the period of the French invasion many English residents knew very little, if not, any of the English language. Other linguistic changes which inevitably rose as a result of the Norman Conquest concerned the language of Law. This would have been written in Britains prestigious language, Latin, which was at the time highly associated with the aristocracy. This resulted in English being a minority written language. Put in simpler terms, the Norman Conquest occurred at the detriment of the English Language used in Britain, which was almost reduced to a minor language or even a mere dialect spoken within England. Other effects of the Norman Conquest on the English Language included the voc abulary. Many French words were adopted into the English Language which explains the vast majority French lexicon in the English vocabulary we are used to today. Baldwin, who in his speech thinly veils his distaste for the French language adopted into English quoted (that the) salvation for Britain (and indeed for the whole world) lay not in French-derived polysyllables such as proletariat but in monosyllables such as faith. Hope love and work (Crowley, 1989 p255). Here, he not only (possibly subconsciously) describes English as being a somewhat simple and basic language, but he compares it to French, a language which exhibits power and prestige. In line with the effects of French lexicon within the English language, centurys later English provinces, namely Canada now have both English and French as an official language. The French language, in Quebec especially remains under threat, even though it is used to teach in schools its significance is deteriorating and the consta nt debate whether to use it in schools or whether English taught in schools can have detrimental effects; if students who are taught both languages becomes proficient in only one of the official languages, the quality of their written or spoken English or French is likely to decline. In France however, since English has no official status, it is exempt from the pressures Canada faces to exert the significance of learning both languages in schools. As French is taught as a foreign language in England, English is likewise taught as a foreign language in French schools, in order that no-one lacks the knowledge of a language vital for international communication, and therefore increase the number of people proficient in either official language. An example of the use of English in countries where English is not a native language being a beneficial, almost crucial activity lies within the necessities of air traffic control. Granted, there are many standard Englishs, each one being exclusive to its respective country, however if one peculiar, even creolized version remains misunderstood in such a situation, the results could be dire. In such circumstances, even though the existence of many standardized Englishs could create confusion, a vast knowledge of a universal Standard English is crucial. The development of English pidgins and creoles in effect also gives way to confusion as it clouds out the need for a politically correct language. The slave trade had an inevitably immense effect on the development of English, as it paved the way for the use of vernaculars such as Black English and black pidgins and creoles. These dialects, in effect are not understood by many and if such a language is seeped into schools it could become deeply ingrained within a students vocabulary, thus hindering a students ability to speak, and even understand politically correct English. It is thus necessary to question the term politically correct language? Double negatives to the native speaker of English, is seen almost as a taboo in English writing. Its use not only portrays the writer or speaker as uneducated, but the use of such insolent English by a native speaker would regard such a person as illiterate. Other definitions of political correctness refer to the use of non sexist or racist language, language used in such a way which is not seen to favour a certain age group, class distinction or creed. According to the English born sociolinguist Anthea Fraser Gupta, political correctness as exemplified by the deliberate use of non-sexist language is quite unusual. In fact, it is so rare that I and other colleagues have had the experience of having our non sexist original changed into a sexist printed version by editors. (Gupta, 1994, p2). For example, if an adult male calls another adult male boy because he is in a position of authority, this could be seen as highly demeaning, as this perfectly reflects the days of the slave tr ade when taskmasters referred to their slaves as boy, alongside other demeaning terms such as dog and nigger. When I asked a university student if being called boy by one who came from a country where such terms were unheard of, his reaction was one of dismay, not to mention being highly insulted. Such deviations from social norms could prove to cause conflict, as this type of English usage in countries such as Angola, France and similar non ENL lands may prove to be a difficulty. In countries such as China where English has no official status, there has been an increased amount of interest in the English Language. In 1959, everyone was carrying a book of the thoughts of Chairman Mao; today, everyone is carrying a book of elementary English (p31) This unprecedented growth in the interest of the English language in a country titled the undisputed home of technology, science and rapid invention makes it a harmful activity in terms of linguistics but a beneficial one in ter ms of world trade, production and communication. An influx Chinese people wanting to learn English poses the question: How good is the quality of English used in such non ENL countries? In the Chinese product catalogue IBI Household, the descriptions used to describe its respective goods in small captions are written in English which is considered to be very poor to ENL speakers; for example, a product called Space Creator, an organizer used to store household goods is said to be The plastic organizer will help you to storage wisely, instead of This plastic organizer will help you to store your items wisely; Another example being a Car Air Ozonizer which Remove smoke, eliminate air particulate from this compact air ozonizer. These items are described in a childlike manner, not to mention that they hardly make sense. As a result, if such habits become ingrained in an English learners vocabulary, they may become incomprehensible to someone whose first language is English bu t more importantly, it may become very difficult to root these habits out. This is thus an example of how the use of the English in non ENL countries can be seen as a harmful activity its only reason for its use is likely to be that of English is seen as fashionable.
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