Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Risk Management Plan For Itt Technical Institute - 2529 Words
Risk Management Plan 1. Introduction This Risk Management Plan for ITT Technical Institute, Orange, California starts with a plan that defines the scope and process for the identification, assessment, and management of risks which could impact the school. The objective of the Risk Management Plan is to define the strategy to manage school-related risks so there is an acceptable minimal impact on cost and operational performance. 2. Purpose The purpose of this Risk Management Plan is to establish the framework in which the project team will identify risks and develop strategies to mitigate or avoid those risks. However, before risks can be identified and managed, there are preliminary project elements which must be completed. The purpose of the Risk Management Plan is to establish an approach to monitoring, evaluating, and managing risks throughout the life of the project. A risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a negative or positive effect on the project’s objectives. The risk management process will identify potential risk sources; assess individual risks and impacts on performance, cost, and schedule; evaluate alternative approaches to mitigate high and moderate risks; and develop action plans to handle individual risks. This document will state the various risks with their classification, mitigation and handling strategies, impact on cost and schedule, and action items. 3. Scope The scope of this document will include Risk Management Planning:Show MoreRelatedProject Management Students Attending Itt Technical Institute949 Words  | 4 Pagesstudents attending ITT Technical Institute are learning some sort of Project Management through specific courses that primarily teach only the theory behind Project Management. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Edna St. Vincent Millay - 950 Words
â€Å"[Women have loved before as I love now]†: Burdens and Foiled Expectations â€Å"Women have loved before as I love now/ At least, in lively chronicles of the past-†(lines 1-2). These opening lines seem to simultaneously show love as something old, trite, and exciting. In â€Å"[Women have loved before as I love now]†, Edna St. Vincent Millay describes the ancient love stories of the past and how she relates to them. She writes how she used to seek out the parts which focused on love, describing the love of past women as something passionate and strong. Millay also goes on to say that out of all the women alive, she feels that only she connects with the love of the past, and that only she truly feels love. â€Å"[Women have loved before as I love now]†shows that passionate love is a joyful burden that is shared by both sexes. When love is typically described, it is thought of as a joy, almost pure. Most people want to be in love. Millay, on the other hand, seems to represent passionate love as almost burdensome. When referring to the act of love itself, she describes the women she identifies with â€Å"bearing as I bear/love like a burning city in the breast†(lines 7-8). She also states â€Å"[I] Do suffer love†(line 11). The words here are all negative, in contrast to what the reader would expect. Yet, the narrator also seems to look upon this way of loving with longing. She seeks the stories of the past, â€Å"Hunt[ing] the amorous line†(line 6). This way of love is how she wants to feel, andShow MoreRelatedEssay about Edna St. Vincent Millay957 Words  | 4 PagesEdna St. Vincent Millay Her career that spanned three decades and her work that ranges from lyrics to verse play and political commentary. Edna St. Vincent Millay is mostly known for her earlier works, such as Renascence, Few Figs Thistles, and Second April. Millay wrote about things such as mystical views on the universe, god, death, celebration of feminism, and free love. Its almost as if she was a writer from today and with that, I believe that she would be comfortable with todaysRead MoreEdna St. Vincent Millay s Sonnet Iv1122 Words  | 5 PagesEdna St. Vincent Millay’s â€Å"Sonnet IV†is a sonnet spoken from the point of view of a woman who is permitting herself to remember an old lover over the duration of her cigarette. The poem is set up through the classical structure of a Petrarchan sonnet and shares the topic of a lost lover. The octave follows the course of the dream, which takes the form of smoke and shadows. The volta marks the end of the cigarette and the dream, but the speaker still continues her memories in the sestet to followRead MoreEdna St. Vincent Millay s Sonnet Iv1257 Words  | 6 PagesWord count: 289 Fugacious Relationships and Everlasting Memories in Edna St. Vincent Millay’s â€Å"Sonnet IV†Edna St. Vincent Millay’s â€Å"Sonnet IV†follows many of the conventions of the traditional Petrarchan sonnet. It follows the traditional rhyming scheme and octet, sestet structure. However it challenges the conventions of the typical subject of the Italian sonnet, unrequited love. In the octet at the beginning of the poem Millay uses images that give a sense of transience and in the ending sestetRead More What lips my lips have kissed by Edna St. Vincent Millay Essays685 Words  | 3 PagesWhat lips my lips have kissed by Edna St. Vincent Millay While reading What lips my lips have kissed by Edna St. Vincent Millay, I realized many things about myself. The first thing was that I, after thinking I would never be able to decipher one word of poetry, actually could. I also found that I was able to enjoy it. Another thing was that the narrator (whom I felt was a woman- no man could portray these feelings like a woman) and I had strikingly similar feelings. There happened to be manyRead MoreFree Verse Techniques Conveying Structure an Analysis of â€Å"Spring†by Edna St. Vincent Millay1512 Words  | 7 PagesFree Verse Techniques Conveying Structure An Analysis of â€Å"Spring†By Edna St. Vincent Millay Composed in free verse, the poem â€Å"Spring†by Edna St. Vincent Millay contains many poetic elements that create a feeling of structure throughout.  As free verse challenges the conventions of writing, so too, does St. Vincent Millay’s interpretation of Spring challenge societies conventional beliefs associated with the season. Millay uses various different poetic elements of writing as effective alternativesRead MoreEdna St. Vincent Millay847 Words  | 4 PagesEdna St. Vincent Millay (1923) used the form of a Petrarchan sonnet, also known as an Italian sonnet for her poem â€Å"What Lips My Lips Have Kissed, and Where, and Why.†The Petrarchan sonnet was a form of love poetry in the fourteenth century and is the most widely used amongst English poets. Petrarchan sonnets consist of an octave followed by a sestet and a volta, which is either located at the end of the octave or the beginning of the sestet and is used to change the point of view or emotion . Millay’sRead MoreLove Poetry By Edna St. Vincent Millay1927 Words  | 8 Pagesreviving these forms and making them more fresh and relevant. American poet Edna St. Vincent Millay can be seen to fit into this category. She is particularly well known for her sonnets. This essay will analyse one of Millay’s sonnets in to context of the evolution of courtly love poetry. The history of the sonnet will also be examined to demonstrate how Millay has faithfully refashioned her poems. However, whist Millay has kept the construction of sonnet pure she has differed in the message it portraysRead MoreLove Is Not All By Edna St. Vincent Millay1217 Words  | 5 PagesThe poem I have chosen to analyze is â€Å"Love is Not All†by Edna St. Vincent Millay. This poem is very different from the normal romanticized love poems that we see today. In this piece, the poet portrays love as secondary to our physical needs because it is unable to sustain us, everything necessary for human survival doesn’t require love. The main idea for the majority of this poem is that love is unimportant. â€Å"Love is Not All†is a sonnet, meaning it is composed of 14 lines. Its structureRead MoreReview Of The Spring And The Fall By Edna St. Vincent Millay1993 Words  | 8 PagesFall†by Edna St. Vincent Millay Edna St. Vincent Millay is one of the most famous poets in the early nineteenth century. She was knowns for being a spectacular American lyric poet whose personal life and verse burned meteorically through the imaginations of rebellious youth in her work during the 1920s (Poetry Foundation). Millay’s literatures consist of many unique mind set and language that brings the author and reader together, which procured the world’s attention. Many people know Millay throughRead MoreOn The Virgins, By Robert Herrick And Edna St. Vincent Millay1290 Words  | 6 PagesCarpe diem, should this idea be the sole focus of individuals in their even if it means that it will have negative impacts on their future? Poets Robert Herrick and Edna St. Vincent Millay answer this question through their own contrasting. In Herrick’s â€Å"To the Virgins, To Make Much of Time†the speaker argues that after an individual has past their youthful stage, their state of mind will gro w old and decrepit. As such should focus on â€Å"seizing the day†as much as possible. To emphasize his viewpoint
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Australian Administrative
Question: Administrative Law mechanisms are largely ineffective and don't provide real avenues for review. To obtain justice, a person should call upon the power of the Courts and ignore the Administrative law framework altogether Do you agree or disagree? Answer: Australian administrative law sets out the degree of responsibility and powers provided to the Australian administrative agencies. It is fundamentally a common law system which has enhancing legislative overlay which have transferred its emphasis towards extensive jurisdiction tribunals and fixed system of judicial review. The rule of law had been established since the Magna Carta of 1215 It has been followed thoroughly in the jurisprudence after the re-drafting of the concept in the late 13th century. Section 75 of the Australian constitution states that original jurisdiction is vested in the high court in the matters where the person being sued or suing is the commonwealth, or on behalf of the commonwealth and in matters where the writ of prohibition or mandamus is claimed against any person related to the commonwealth. Such jurisdiction cannot be altered as it has been provided by the constitution itself and is only possible through amendment by national referendum. The fundamenta l idea in relation to the rule of law is that the application of law has to be made equal to the persons who rule and those who are ruled. The purpose of this paper is to find out whether the mechanisms of administrative law are ineffective largely and do not allow appropriate revenue for the purpose of review and in order to attain justice, people should take the help of the courts and do not consider the framework of administrative law at all. The paper throws a light on the rule of law on which both the frameworks are based. The paper than discusses judicial review in relation to administrative law. The paper discusses the advantages and disadvantages of administrative law and compares it to the court system to analyze the effectiveness of administrative law. The relationship between the people and the government is established by the rule of law. According to Douglas, Roger and head (2014) the stage at where law ends, tyranny is initiated[1]. In addition the concept of the rule of law states that the law in sense is applicable on the behavior and conduct of both public and private officials. The significant sub principles of the rule of law states that no person in the land is bigger than the law, no person on land is inferior to another for law, legal redress is available through courts and the law is always applied. However the concept of the rule is not very simple and can be explained in the best way through the collection of many sub-principles. A comprehensive survey is conducted by the Administrative Review Council in relation to the federal review for the purpose of Administrative Action regularly to analyze the effectiveness of administrative law. As described by Don (2013) the rule of law is a noble lie which is present in the British constitution[2]. As mentioned above then purpose of the rule of law is to make sure that no person can be bigger than the law. The implication of this principle is that all persons are bound to the law. Law is not only applicable to the members of the society but also on the ministers and other administrative officials.[3] Administrative law is the organ of law through which the activities of the administrative agencies made by the government are governed. Actions which are allowed by administrative law to the government agencies include adjudication, rulemaking or enforcing a particular regulatory agenda. Administrative law is a part of public law. As administrative law is a part of public law it is concerned with decision-making related to the administrative units of the government such as commissions, boards and tribunals which are an organ of national regulatory schemes in domain such as international trade, police law, broadcasting, environment taxation and transport. The expansion of administrative law had been triggered significantly in the twentieth century as during this time various government authorities had been created by legislative bodies around the world in order to govern economic, political a social sectors of human interaction.[4] Countries which are governed by civil law have their own special administrative courts which review the decisions of the agencies. On the other hand most of the countries which abide by the principles of common law have enacted a procedure of judicial review which restricts the capacity to be reviewed in relation to the decisions which are made by the administrative bodies[5]. The process is often added with statues and other common law principles which provide a standard rule making process. The review of decisions made by semi-public bodies like disciplinary boards, non-profit corporation and other bodies of decision making which have an effect on the rights of the members of an entity or particular group is also facilitated through administrative law.[6] The judicial review in relation to the decisions of administrative bodies is not as same as the process of administrative appeal. While making a review of the decisions made by the administrative bodies the process in which the decision had been made will only be considered by the court and in case of an administrative appeal the correctness of the decision is verified by a higher body in the hierarchy. The significance of this system is very much in order to appreciate administrative law in the common wealth countries.[7] Parties who are not satisfied with the decision of an agency or minister can take the support of the external review system where the appropriateness of the original decision is determined. The Administrative law in the Australia is a part of the public law which is related to the procedures, powers, duties, liabilities and rights of public bodies through which public policies are administered. The common principle of administrative law states that the administrator or a government officials must be fair and reasonable and in accordance to law while discharging their duties. This concept is the essence of administrative law and the rest is all machinery.[8] The history of administrative law review in the Australia can be traced from the since 1960s which resulted out of the problems from bureaucratic decisions[9]. As a result a committee of selected people had been established in the year 1970 and the recommendations of the company set the foundations for administrative law in Austra lia. The most significant of these recommendations were in relation to the Kerr report which provided for the establishment of the administrative tribunal which had the authority to review administrative decisions on codification, merit and procedural reforms in relation to the judicial review system and the initiation of the ombudsman office. The proposals had been brought into practical use through the passing of the number of federal legislations like the Ombudsman Act 1976, the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act 1975, the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977. The process of administrative law initiates from the doctrine of delegated legislation. The law which is not passed through the act of the parliament is known as delegated legislation. Instead a powering act provides the authority to the bodies, person or minister to make delegated legislations. Compared to only a few acts of parliament thousands of delegated legislations are enacted every year by the local bodies. The use of delegated legislation can be in relation to a broad scope of purposes such as technical and narrow matters like setting fees level for a public service to filling details about how a legislation setting out wide principles would in practice be implemented. Delegated legislation in form of administrative law has several advantages and disadvantages. Firstly the enactment of delegated legislation does not is done without the utilization of a lot of time as the various processes which are involved in relation to the cats of a parliament does not have to be observed [10]. It does not take up the precious time of the parliament in relation to deciding small matters such as traffic signs, details of pension schemes thus giving the time to the parliament to focus on significantly broad policies and principles. Secondly, the system ensures that the rules and regulations related to technical matters are designed by those who are experts in such area. Thirdly, the flexibility which is provided through delegated legislations ensures that changing circumstances are dealt which speedily such as increasing service costs, scientific scheme development and minor changes required by policies.[11] On the other hand the process of delegated legislation is often criticized for not been subjected to adequate scrutiny of the parliament as compared to parliament legislations and thus could be used by the bodies in such way which have not been intended or power for which has not been conferred by the parliament to the bodies. In addition a few matters which are ve ry significant and controversial to the public are taken away from the control of the parliament and put in the hands of the government. Another problem with administrative delegated legislation is the number of laws which are passed by the bodies. The number is so large that the public does not get the chance to be aware of the changes. Judicial review is a procedure through which the courts regulate the exercise of power by a public body. If an exercise of power seems unlawful, one may apply to the Administrative Court which is a division of the High Court, for the judicial review of a decision. If the court finds the decision to be violate of any law, it may quash the decision, or award monetary compensation or even may impose an injunction upon the public body[12]. In the case of Council of Civil Service Unions v Minister for the Civil Service [1985] AC 374, as summarized by Lord Diplock, the grounds of judicial review that can revert an administrative decision are Illegality, Procedural impropriety, Irrationality, Legitimate expectation. According to Diplock, the proper and correct understanding of the law, by the decision-maker, that regulates the decision-making power to the decision-maker, is required and it should be effected in the same sense, as obtained from the intent of the law. In the case Bromley Council v Greater London Council (1983), the local council, acted outside the purview of its authority. It was held that the ground of illegality as a ground of judicial review applies to this case. In Australia independent merit reviews of the decisions provided by administrative id done by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal according to the rules of the commonwealth. AAT has been provided the authority to review decisions made by the commonwealth departments, agencies and ministers. The decisions which are made by the non-government bodies and the state governments can also be reviewed by the AAT in specific circumstances. The AAT has been imposed with the duty of making correct and preferred decisions in every case which is brought before it. The establishment was AAT was under the Administrative Appeals Tribunal Act1975as a body between administrative agencies and courts. It is based on the principles of being informal quick economic and fair. The most significant change which has been introduced in Australian through AAT is the right of reviewing a decision based on its merits along with the right to gain information about the reasons behind the decisions[13]. The failure by the decision-maker to observe procedural rules that are provided in the legislation expressly, that confers it it's jurisdiction, faltering to observe rules of natural justice, not acting in accordance with procedural fairness etc. are all included within the purview of procedural impropriety. The Aylesbury Mushroom Case (1972) bears example of such procedural impropriety. A legitimate expectation is said to arise when a person or an association of persons, has been made to understand, by a policy, promise or representation of a public body that, certain steps will be followed in reaching a decision. For instance when an individual or a group has been made to think that certain steps will apply, when an individual or a group relies on a policy or rules by which an area of past executive action is governed. In the case of R v Liverpool Corporation, ex parte Liverpool Taxi Fleet Operators (1972), this has been considered. The court may emphasize that a public body would follow certain procedures ("procedural" expectations), on an expectation of some substantive benefits and not only on a legitimate expectation. The court may emphasize that a public body would follow certain procedures ("procedural" expectations), on an expectation of some substantive benefits and not only on a legitimate expectation. Speaking technically, the judicial function and powers are the primary the work of the courts The High Court is the highest appellate court in the Australia. The principles related to judicial review are provided through Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977(Cth) in Australia. Due to the concept of parliamentary sovereignty followed in the Australia, the High Court is much more restricted in its powers of judicial review in comparison to that of the Constitution or Supreme Courts of some other countries. It is incapable of changing entirely, any primary legislation made by Parliament. However, if any secondary legislation is found to be out of the scope of the powers in primary legislation, the Supreme Court can revert such legislation.[14] Under provisions of Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977(Cth), the High Court, may make a declaration of incompatibility, that is, the legislation subject to the declaration is incompatible with one of the rights in the Australian Constitution. Such a declaration can apply to legislation, irrespective of it being primary or secondary legislation. Traditionally a plaintiff is required to show standing under common law before a right is provided to them to take an action as provided by Australian Conservati on Foundation v Commonwealth[1979] HCA[15]. In case the proceedings are brought under Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977(Cth) the claimant can be any person who has suffered by a decision which is reviewable[16]. A provided by the doctrine of separation of powers in Australia the powers of the courts are only limited to challenge the validity of the decisions made by the executives and not the nature of the decision. The context had been made clear by the High Court in the case of Minister for Aboriginal Affairs v Peko-Wallsend Ltd[1986] HCA 40[17]. However it is not easy to make a distinction between legality and merit matters. In Australia unlike the US or the UK no doctrine exists which prevents the courts from reviewing political questions. Under ordinary circumstances, the courts cannot invalidate legislation and no Parliament can pass laws which the future Parliaments cannot absolutely change[18]. The doctrine of Parliamentary sovereignty does not leave much scope for the judicial review of the Acts of Parliament. The judicial review is thus limited to the decisions of officials and public bodies, and secondary legislation or delegated legislation in Australia .However, ordinary common law remedies, special prerogative orders, etc. are available in certain circumstances against these, where judicial review is not available[19]. The doctrine of ultra vires, dominates the constitutional theory of judicial review. According to the doctrine, the decision of a public authority that exceeds the powers given to it by Parliament can be reviewed. The enforcement of will of Parliament", in accordance with the doctrine of Parliamentary sovereignty, was seen to be the aim of the courts. However, the interpretation of the doctrine has been allowed to be expanded to include errors of law and of fact. The courts have also declared that the rulings under the Royal Prerogative, are subject to judicial review. Therefore, the need to obstruct the abuse of power by the executive along with the need to protect rights of the individuals, determine the contemporary constitutional position of the judicial review[20]. In the case of Batemans Bay Local Aboriginal Land Council v Aboriginal Community Benefit Fund Pty Ltd[1998] HCA 49 it was provided by the High Court of Australia that it is not within the scope of judicial review to review matter which are politically sensitive and related to National security[21]y. In addition with respect to prerogative decisions justifiability cannot initiated through administrative decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977(Cth) because the Act is only limited to decision which are provided under an legislation of the commonwealth. The system is comparatively young in form of an organized system of rules which are focused upon the rule of law. Generally, most of the scholarly interest in the system is related to judicial review as a form for mediation relations among the state and the individuals. Going towards a few main mechanisms which underline the functioning of administrative justice it can be stated that there are four for consideration which include consultatio n requirements, tribunals, parliamentary ombudsmen and judicial review. These mechanisms provided that how disputes can be addressed before the need of increased formal mechanisms are applied. Taking the example of judicial review a well-established pre action protocol exists which has to be observed in most of the cases before any proceeding can be directed towards the High Court[22]. Consultation requirements are in the Australia are provided through traditional common law principles of fairness which is also known as the rule of natural justice and the value which include informed decision making. The principles of common law provide a right to fair hearing to all individuals which was liked historically to a more constrained protection of rights and interest are now potentially applicable whenever anything is decided. The winding of the scope related to a fair trial has been a part of the narrative doctrine which has developed in around the system of judicial review where the im portance of hearing rights have been provided to the persons even in case of complex national security cases. However, according to the consultation requirement is not the only thing which ensures common law principles as they can also be applied by a legislation which delegates an authority of decision making to public decision makers. The bodies are also involved with the concept of soft law where the views of those affected by decision making are taken into consideration[23]. The debate which stands now is that whether administrative law should be used or it should be totally eradicated and a structured court system should be the only platform for problem solving in Australia. As discussed above there are several advantages and disadvantages which the administrative law system is subjected to just as there are several limitations to the process of judicial review by the courts. Considering, the system of justice provided through the court is also not only limited to advantage, one may conclude that the system of courts is not reasonable to be relied upon independently without the administrative framework supplementing it. Reference List Asimow, M., 2015. Five models of administrative adjudication.The American Journal of Comparative Law,63(1), pp.3-32. Barnett, Hilaire.Constitutional and administrative law. 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Simon, William H. "The organizational premises of administrative law."Law Contemp. Probs.78 (2015): 61 Elliott, M. and Varuhas, J., 2017.Administrative law: text and materials. Oxford University Press. Manaster, A. Kenneth, and Daniel P. Selmi.Administrative Law Issues. Vol. 1. California Environmental Law Land Use Practice, 2016 Buck, Trevor, and Richard Kirkham.The ombudsman enterprise and administrative justice. Routledge, 2016. Marume, S.B.M., Jubenkanda, R.R., Namusi, C.W. and Madziyire, N.C., 2016. The Principles of natural justice in public administration and administrative law. Australian Conservation Foundation v Commonwealth[1979] HCA. Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977(Cth) Aboriginal Affairs v Peko-Wallsend Ltd[1986] HCA 40 Australian Communist Party v Commonwealth[1951] HCA 5 Pape v Commissioner of Taxation[2009] HCA 23 Plaintiff S157/2002 v Commonwealth[2003] HCA 2 Batemans Bay Local Aboriginal Land Council v Aboriginal Community Benefit Fund Pty Ltd[1998] HCA 49 Ruddock v Vadarlis[2001] FCA 1329 Minister for Immigration and Citizenship v Li[2013] HCA 18, (2013) 249CLR332
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Effect of September 11th on the Immigration Policy Essay Example
The Effect of September 11th on the Immigration Policy Essay The United States has long been known for the immigrants who flee to its shores to build a new life. Some are escaping tyranny; others are leaving dismal livings conditions and extreme poverty. Whatever the reason, the United States has been a refuge for hundreds of years to almost every nationality in the world. When terrorism took the twin towers down and thousands of lives with it, everything changed.This is an issue that I feel is very important in regards to American culture as we know it. The fact that most of the United States is made up of people who, in one generation or another, came here from another country makes us the â€Å"melting pot†of the world. That open door policy is now being threatened due to certain groups who would jeopardize human life in pursuit of power. This is an issue that affects all people in one way or another and this includes those who are US citizens.Immigration has always been an issue within the United States. The Immigration and Natural ization Service (INS) has been under constant criticism for either being too harsh or being too lenient, depending on the issue. Laws are always changing and there are calls for amnesty. Illegal aliens sneaking across the border is not a new issue and many risk their lives to get into the US, only to be deported and try again.When the September 11th attack occurred, it took everyone by surprise. It was not just that the attack happened on US soil; it was that we had allowed these terrorists to enter the country for educational purposes. These were not the shabby people the media shown sneaking over the border. These were English speaking, average looking, college kids who said they wanted a better education than was offered in their native country.The cry for reform of the current immigration policies was immediate. Suddenly people saw terrorists everywhere and violence escalated based on ethnicity. While some laws were passed to protect the American citizens, others had to be passe d to protect those immigrants who were in the country simply to make a better life.Some immigration policy changes have already been implemented while others are yet to be realized, but the changes continue to be proposed as each new fear or threat possibility arises.One of the major changes in US immigration policy has been in regards to foreign students and visitors to the United States. This new rule, effective once it is published in the Federal Register, effects students who want to study in the US, travelers coming to the States for pleasure or business and person who have ordered deported.Students must have confirmation that they have been accepted into a US school before entering the country. Anyone already in the country cannot apply to attend unless they first return to their native country and apply from there.Tourists and business travelers will be limited to 30 days in the country or the predefined amount of time needed to finish their trip. The maximum extended stay wo uld be shortened from one year to six months, with extensions given only under very specific and limited conditions.Anyone ordered deported or removed from the US must surrender within 30 days or forfeit any right to appeals or sanctuary.In addition, schools reporting requirements have changed as well.Another change was using Florida as a testing ground to allow police to detain people for immigration violations. In the past, this was left up to federal agents. If the testing is successful, other states will follow Florida’s lead.Schools will be required to use the Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS) to issue documents to foreign students and report information to the INS. SEVIS is an internet-based system that lets the government, and schools exchange information about foreign students and their dependents.The new regulations will require schools to report the following information to the INS:1. A students enrollment or failure to enroll at the school;2. The start date of the students next term or session;3. A student dropping below a full course of study without authorization;4. Any other failure to maintain status or complete the program;5. A change of the students or dependents legal name or address;6. Any disciplinary action taken by the school against the student as a result of the student being convicted of a crime; and7. A students graduation prior to the listed program end date.The preliminary enrollment period to enable INS approved schools to begin using SEVIS to accept foreign students began on July 1, 2002. (Wipf, 2007)Two groups who are very upset with many of the immigration changes are the Filipinos and the Mexicans. Both groups have a history of migrating to the US in search of work and a better life for themselves and their families.For the Mexicans Sept 11th means that the focus that was on gaining amnesty for the current illegal Mexican immigrants is now on the prevention of terrorist cells entering the country. T hepossibility of working visa programs for the unskilled Mexican worker has been abandoned in favor of heightened security of the borders.;245i would allow illegal aliens to upgrade their status to permanent resident if they had a sponsor.  Congress added the amendment to its border security bill but the Senate removed it. It has not been reinstated at this time. The Filipino community is, along with the Mexican community, one of the groups who use sponsorship to enter the United States and gain residency.Both groups are very family oriented and this increases the already overwhelming task of bringing family members to the US.International tracking systems have also been discussed such as national identification cards and/or fingerprints. This would make it virtually impossible to create a fake identity or obtain immigrant status through deceptive means. This, of course, would have no affect on the illegal aliens.One of the changes with a more wide spread effect is the cancellati on of the J-visa waiver for physicians. Foreign students who come to the U.S. for medical training are required to go back to their home countries for 2 years before they can return to the U.S. The J waiver program for physicians made it possible for them to stay if they would agree to work in medically underserved areas, obtain such an offer and got appropriate government sponsorship. (Wipf, 2002) This affects not only the doctors themselves but the areas that desperately need doctors and medical treatment.The biggest change is the reformation of INS into another agency with two separate departments. The main agency is the Agency for Immigration Affairs and is under the Department of Justice. The two bureaus are the Bureau of Immigration Services and Adjudications, which would take over all immigration applications/processing and status/record keeping functions and The Bureau of Immigration Enforcement, who would handle control and;prosecution of immigration violations and legal ma tters. Critics feel that this was more a rearrangement than a reform but it has not had time to prove or disprove its worth.Immigrants of all nationalities are finding it harder to not only enter the country but to stay. This is includes those ethnic groups who are not of Middle Eastern descent. After September 11th almost all immigrants were under suspicion by the citizens of the United States.Anyone coming from the Middle East or of Middle Eastern descent was subjected to more severe prejudices and accusations. The media has been full of the reports of Middle Eastern men being asked to get off airplanes because the flight crew and other passengers are afraid of them. These men, in particular, are being singled out for baggage and body searches. State and local police are stopping and questioning swarthy-appearing men as never before.There has been a new rash of hate crimes against Arabs, Muslims, Sikhs, or anyone thought by the uninformed vigilante to be a potential terrorist or s ympathizer. For example, there are reports in New York City of attacks on Yemeni-owned delis, the shooting of a Sikh cabdriver, and assaults of Arabs and Pakistanis on subways and on the street. Police are discovering a disproportionately high number of such incidents since September 11th, and not only in New York. (Dean, 2001)Revalidation for nationals with legal visitor status from Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya, Sudan, North Korea and Cuba may not be automatic anymore. They also are unable to apply for a new visa while abroad. Instead they must return to their home country and apply from there. Many people of Arab, Muslim and South Asian descent have been detained for little or no reason. Arrests of these groups increased dramatically due to a zero tolerance for even minor infractions.;;The President has stated that tougher border patrols are not the answer. He is suggesting a temporary work program that will allow lawful employment for people wanting to enter the United States for wor k purposes.The condition for the temporary work program would be:The program must be truly temporaryAmerican workers must be given priority over temporary workersParticipation should fluctuate with market conditionsThese are ideas that may help ease the burden of border patrol and national guards but they do not address the issue of the thousands of illegal and current legal aliens in the United States. They also do nothing to address the issue of racial profiling, hate crimes or jeopardized civil liberties by the citizens of Middle Eastern descent.The men who suicide bombed the twin towers were of Middle Eastern origin and had come to this country under false pretenses. It becomes a complex process as to who is a threat and who is not. Do we use the ethnic approach and assume anyone from a suspect country has an ulterior motive? Or do we assume that anyone clean cut and studious is automatically not a suspect for terrorism?The President also has ideas on how to screen the future ci tizens already residing in our country.A Rational Middle Ground Between A Program Of Mass Deportation And A Program Of Automatic Amnesty. It is neither wise nor realistic to round up and deport millions of illegal;;immigrants in the United States. But there should be no automatic path to citizenship. The President supports a rational middle ground founded on the following basic tenets: ·Ã‚        No Amnesty. Workers who have entered the country illegally and workers who have overstayed their visas must pay a substantial penalty for their illegal conduct. ·Ã‚        In Addition To Paying A Meaningful Penalty, Undocumented Workers Must Learn English, Pay Their Taxes, Pass A Background Check, And Hold A Job For A Number Of Years Before They Will Be Eligible To Be Considered For Legalized Status. ·Ã‚        Any Undocumented Worker Seeking Citizenship Must Go To The Back Of The Line. The program sh ould not reward illegal conduct by making participants eligible for citizenship ahead of those who have played by the rules and followed the law. Instead, program participants must wait their turn at the back of the line. (Bush, 2007)People will never forget September 11th and the terrible loss of life but it was a loss of innocence and security as well. If reforms are not made to improve both national security and immigration policy then all those people will have died for nothing.Many Muslims who have lived in the US either all their lives or for a few years were as shocked and appalled as the rest of the nation and yet they remain under suspicion to the point of being ostracized at times.;;Other ethnic groups are suffering either from imposed rules that limit their activities within the US or by losing the interest of the government regarding their individual interests. Everyone suffers in a tragedy of this magnitude and the trust is harder to extend to others. This is especi ally true for those who are different or have come from another country.I have researched and written this essay using the content analysis method. I chose this method over an ethnographic approach in order to utilize the massive amounts of coverage on this subject. Content analysis is useful because it enables the researcher to get many versions of an issue and form their own opinion of the matter.I believe the ethnographic approach would have been less effective in this case due to the need for personal interviews. Not only would it be difficult to locate enough people but it would lack the information regarding many of the new immigration laws since many people may not be fully informed of them.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Mississippi Online Public and Charter Schools (List)
Mississippi Online Public and Charter Schools (List) Mississippi offers resident students the opportunity to take online public school courses for free. Below is a list of no-cost online schools currently serving elementary and high school students in Mississippi. In order to qualify for the list, schools must meet the following qualifications: classes must be available completely online, they must offer services to state residents, and they must be funded by the government. Virtual schools listed may be charter schools, state-wide public programs, or private programs that receive government funding. List of Mississippi Online Charter Schools and Online Public Schools Mississippi Virtual Public School (off-site link) About Online Charter Schools and Online Public Schools Many states now offer tuition-free online schools for resident students under a certain age (often 21). Most virtual schools are charter schools; they receive government funding and are run by a private organization. Online charter schools are subject to fewer restrictions than traditional schools. However, they are reviewed regularly and must continue to meet state standards. Some states also offer their own online public schools. These virtual programs generally operate from a state office or a school district. State-wide public school programs vary. Some online public schools offer a limited number of remedial or advanced courses not available in brick-and-mortar public school campuses. Others offer full online diploma programs. A few states choose to fund â€Å"seats†for students in private online schools. The number of available seats may be limited and students are usually asked to apply through their public school guidance counselor. (See also: 4 Types of Online High Schools). Choosing a Mississippi Online Public School When choosing an online public school, look for an established program that is regionally accredited and has a track record of success. Be wary of new schools that are disorganized, are unaccredited, or have been the subject of public scrutiny. For more suggestions on evaluating virtual schools see: How to Choose an Online High School.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Battle of Short Hills in the American Revolution
Battle of Short Hills in the American Revolution Battle of Short Hills - Conflict Date: The Battle of Short Hills was fought June 26, 1777, during the American Revolution (1775-1783).   Armies Commanders: Americans General George WashingtonMajor General William Alexander, Lord Stirlingapprox. 2,500 men British General Sir William HoweLieutenant General Lord Charles CornwallisMajor General John Vaughanapprox. 11,000 men Battle of Short Hills - Background: Having been expelled from Boston in March 1776, General Sir William Howe descended on New York City that summer. Defeating General George Washingtons forces at Long Island in late August, he then landed on Manhattan where he suffered a setback at Harlem Heights in September. Recovering, Howe succeeded in driving American forces from the area after winning victories at White Plains and Fort Washington. Retreating across New Jersey, Washingtons beaten army crossed the Delaware into Pennsylvania before halting to regroup. Recovering late in the year, the Americans struck back on December 26 with a triumph at Trenton before achieving a second victory a short time later at Princeton. With winter setting in, Washington moved his army to Morristown, NJ and entered winter quarters. Howe did the same and the British established themselves around New Brunswick. As the winter months progressed, Howe commenced planning for a campaign against the American capital at Philadelphia while American and British troops routinely skirmished in the territory between the encampments. In late March, Washington ordered Major General Benjamin Lincoln to take 500 men south to Bound Brook with the goal of collecting intelligence and protecting farmers in the area. On April 13, Lincoln was attacked by Lieutenant General Lord Charles Cornwallis and forced to retreat. In an effort to better assess British intentions, Washington moved his army to a new encampment at Middlebrook. Battle of Short Hills - Howes Plan: A strong position, the encampment was situated on the south slopes of the first ridge of the Watchung Mountains. From the heights, the Washington could observe British movements on the plains below which stretched back to Staten Island. Unwilling to assault the Americans while they held the high ground, Howe sought to lure them down to the plains below. On June 14, he marched his army Somerset Courthouse (Millstone) on the Millstone River. Only eight miles from Middlebrook he hoped to entice Washington to attack. As the Americans showed no inclination to strike, Howe withdrew after five days and moved back to New Brunswick. Once there, he elected to evacuate the town and shifted his command to Perth Amboy. Believing the British to be abandoning New Jersey in preparation for moving against Philadelphia by sea, Washington ordered Major General William Alexander, Lord Stirling to march towards Perth Amboy with 2,500 men while the rest of the army descended the heights to a new position near Samptown (South Plainfield) and Quibbletown (Piscataway). Washington hoped that Stirling could harass the British rear while also covering the armys left flank. Advancing, Stirlings command assumed a line in the vicinity of Short Hills and Ash Swamp (Plainfield and Scotch Plains). Alerted to these movements by an American deserter, Howe reversed his march late on June 25. Moving quickly with around 11,000 men, he sought to crush Stirling and prevent Washington from regaining a position in the mountains. Battle of Short Hills - Howe Strikes: For the attack, Howe directed two columns, one led by Cornwallis and the other by Major General John Vaughan, to move through Woodbridge and Bonhampton respectively. Cornwallis right wing was detected around 6:00 AM on June 26 and clashed with a detachment of 150 riflemen from Colonel Daniel Morgans Provisional Rifle Corps. Fighting ensued near Strawberry Hill where Captain Patrick Fergusons men, armed with new breech-loading rifles, were able to force the Americans to withdraw up Oak Tree Road. Alerted to the threat, Stirling ordered reinforcements led by Brigadier General Thomas Conway forward. Hearing the firing from these first encounters, Washington ordered the bulk of the army to move back to Middlebrook while relying on Stirlings men to slow the British advance. Battle of Short Hills - Fighting for Time: Around 8:30 AM, Conways men engaged the enemy near the intersection of Oak Tree and Plainfield Roads. Though offering tenacious resistance that included hand-to-hand fighting, Conways troops were driven back. As the Americans retreated approximately a mile toward the Short Hills, Cornwallis pushed on and united with Vaughan and Howe at Oak Tree Junction. To the north, Stirling formed a defensive line near Ash Swamp. Backed by artillery, his 1,798 men resisted the British advance for around two hours allowing Washington time to regain the heights. Fighting swirled around the American guns and three were lost to the enemy. As the battle raged, Stirlings horse was killed and his men were driven back to a line in Ash Swamp. Badly outnumbered, the Americans were ultimately forced to retreat towards Westfield. Moving quickly to avoid the British pursuit, Stirling led his troops back to the mountains to rejoin Washington. Halting in Westfield due to the heat of the day, the British looted the town and desecrated the Westfield Meeting House. Later in the day Howe reconnoitered Washingtons lines and concluded that they were too strong to attack. After spending the night in Westfield, he moved his army back to Perth Amboy and by June 30 had fully departed New Jersey. Battle of Short Hills - Aftermath: In the fighting at the Battle of Short Hills the British admitted to 5 killed and 30 wounded. American losses are not known with accuracy but British claims numbered 100 killed and wounded as well as around 70 captured. Though a tactical defeat for the Continental Army, the Battle of Short Hills proved a successful delaying action in that Stirlings resistance allowed Washington to shift his forces back to the protection of Middlebrook. As such, it prevented Howe from executing his plan to cut the Americans off from the mountains and defeat them in open ground. Departing New Jersey, Howe opened his campaign against Philadelphia late that summer. The two armies would clash at Brandywine on September 11 with Howe winning the day and capturing Philadelphia a short time later. A subsequent American attack at Germantown failed and Washington moved his army into winter quarters at Valley Forge on December 19. Selected Sources The Battle of the Short HillsRevolutionary War New Jersey - Short HillsBattle of Short Hills Historic Trail
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Miguels Hourly Performance Evaluation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Miguels Hourly Performance Evaluation - Essay Example Voluntarily takes the first initiative in identifying and addressing potential and existing issues, opportunities, and obstacles (The University of British Colombia , 2011). Creatively identify and determine resources, technical needs and support team and initiates planning for potentially significant contingency plan and outcomes by integrating future and conflicting scenarios with opportunities. Focuses on a great consistency to the customers serve both internal and external ensuring high quality products and services by proper aligning and allocating resources to meet the objective of customer satisfaction and product utility. Develops strategies and plan that meet the technology and, or the architecture requirements of the organization. As an IT expert, I use scheduling software incorporate such plans and strategies to the business vision, goals, strategies, priorities, industry trends, emerging technology, and economic viability which help me and the department effectively plan for activities and have ultimately saved the organization time and money (Maurer & Robert, 2012). My business experience helps me run my work activities in a cost efficient manner by proactively conducting work progress and department reviews to reprioritize resources and apply corrective action that respond to business strategy, budget and initiatives against established objectives, and milestone to enhance high level of efficiency and effectiveness. Engages the right group of individuals within and beyond organization boundaries, by matching individual skills and capabilities to buy-in support and problem definition methods of resolution and accountability. Solicits and generates the approval of senior leadership prior to defining acute issues and solution to indistinct, multifaceted teething troubles of high risk, which can span across and beyond the enterprise. Consistently fosters collaboration
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Lit Review and Methodology Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Lit Review and Methodology - Research Paper Example One of the theories has proposed that media play a significant role in providing behavioral roles (Nabi & Oliver, 2009). Most people engage in types of behaviors that they watch or admire in movies. Another important theory called emotional release (Berger, 2007). Aristotle used this theory to argue for the role of drama in preventing warfare. In the recent past, the same theory is used basically to prove the violence that is sometimes displayed in the media. Therefore, the people in this theory were assumed to understand the impacts of violence by witnessing or seeing it being enacted and would seldom take part in such behaviors (Berger, 2007). The fact that media has a role to play in most of the societal issues is also supported by authors. Nabi & Oliver (2009) asserts that audience dependency on media is considerably high in societies where media serve most of the central information functions and in periods of pervasive civil strife or rapid social changes. In the recent few yea rs, the growth of new media platforms including YouTube, twitter, and Facebook has enabled youths, adults and the society in general to take more significant steps to reach and be reached almost anywhere and everywhere at any given time (Nabi & Oliver, 2009). ... Social media play a significant role in most of the relationships in our societies. However, according to Duhe? (2007), some of the roles are not always positive. Research carried by Haythornthwaite (2011) on the strong, weak and latent ties and the impact of new media, indicated that media may have negative impacts on personal relationships. Most of the relationships keep up through some of the latest social media forums including twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and blog comments are more casual and the participants tended to know less about one another (Haythornthwaite, 2011). Other literatures have also raised concerns over the impact of the new social Media (Biagi, 2011). Nesbitt-Larking (2007), for instance, enumerates the dangers associated with making the meaning of conversations clear electronically. He further asserts that Media platforms are used to make confrontations easier and more relationships impacted as a result (Nesbitt-Larking, 2007). Perse (2001) also argues that beca use electronic media’s transmission of emotions is considerably poor compared to physical interactions, people tend to use it as perfect tool to send some of their difficult messages that would otherwise not been conveyed on a face-to-face basis. Although the society may enjoy some of the relationships by use of the new social sites like Facebook and twitter, the difference that exists between these social platforms and the interaction that involve physical presence of people is clearly very vast (Sparks, 2010). Sparks (2010) also argues that although the social media, regarded to have the power to connect the users to some of the people whom they would otherwise not touch, the problem comes when the society find themselves
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Optical Computing Essay Example for Free
Optical Computing Essay Jainam Shah Kalol Institute Of Technology, Kalol, Gujarat, India. [emailprotected] Abstractâ€â€Optics has been used in computing for a number of years but the main emphasis has been and continues to be to link portions of computers, for communications, or more intrinsically in devices that have some optical application or component (optical pattern recognition, etc). Optical digital computers are still some years away, however a number of devices that can ultimately lead to real optical computers have already been manufactured, including optical logic gates, optical switches, optical interconnections, and optical memory. The most likely near-term optical computer will really be a hybrid composed of traditional architectural design along with some portions that can perform some functional operations in optical mode. Computing applications as a consequence of faster processing speed, as well as better connectivity and higher bandwidth. II. NEED FOR OPTICAL COMPUTING The pressing need for optical technology stems from the fact that today’s computers are limited by the time response of electronic circuits. A solid transmission medium limits both the speed and volume of signals, as well as building up heat that damages components. One of the theoretical limits on how fast a computer can function is given by Einstein’s principle that signal cannot propagate faster than speed of light. So to make computers faster, their components must be smaller and there by decrease the distance between them. This has resulted in the development of very large scale integration (VLSI) technology, with smaller device dimensions and greater complexity. The smallest dimensions of VLSI nowadays are about 0.08mm. Despite the incredible progress in the development and refinement of the basic technologies over the past decade, there is growing concern that these technologies may not be capable of solving the computing problems of even the current millennium. The speed of computers was achieved by miniaturizing electronic components to a very small micron-size scale, but they are limited not only by the speed of electrons in matter but also by the increasing density of interconnections necessary to link the electronic gates on microchips. The optical computer comes as a solution of miniaturization problem. Optical data processing can perform several operations in parallel much faster and easier than electrons. This parallelism helps in staggering computational power. For example a calculation that takes a conventional electronic computer more than 11 years to complete could be performed by an optical computer in a single hour. Any way we can realize that in an optical computer, electrons are rep laced by photons, the subatomic bits of electromagnetic radiation that make up light. I. INTRODUCTION With the growth of computing technology the need of high performance computers (HPC) has significantly increased. Optics has been used in computing for a number of years but the main emphasis has been and continues to be to link portions of computers, for communications, or more intrinsically in devices that have some optical application or component (optical pattern recognition etc.) Optical computing was a hot research area in 1980’s.But the work tapered off due to materials limitations that prevented opt chips from getting small enough and cheap enough beyond laboratory curiosities. Now, optical computers are back with advances in self-assembled conducting organic polymers that promise super-tiny of all optical chips. Optical computing technology is, in general, developing in two directions. One approach is to build computers that have the same architecture as present day computers but using optics that is Electro optical hybrids. Another approach is to generate a completely new kind of computer, which can perform all functional operations in optical mode. In recent years, a number of devices that can ultimately lead us to real optical computers have already been manufactured. These include optical logic gates, optical switches, optical interconnections and optical memory. Current trends in optical computing emphasize communications, for example the use of free space optical interconnects as a potential solution to remove ‘Bottlenecks’ experienced in electronic architectures. Optical technology is one of the most promising, and may eventually lead to new III. SOME KEY OPTICAL COMPONENTS FOR COMPUTING The major breakthroughs on optical computing have been centered on the development of micro-optic devices for data input. A. VCSEL (Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser) VCSEL (pronounced ‘vixel’) is a semiconductor vertical cavity surface emitting laser diode that emits light in a cylindrical beam vertically from the surface of a fabricated wafer, and offers significant advantages when compared to the edge-emitting lasers currently used in the majority of fiber optic communications devices. The principle involved in the operation of a VCSEL is very similar to those of regular lasers. Fig. 2. Optical Interconnection Of Circuit Boards Using Vcsel And Photodiode VCSEL convert the electrical signal to optical signal when the light beams are passed through a pair of lenses and micromirrors. Micromirrors are used to direct the light beams and this light rays is passed through a polymer waveguide which serves as the path for transmitting data instead of copper wires in electronic computers. Then these optical beams are again passed through a pair of lenses and sent to a photodiode. This photodiode convert the optical signal back to the electrical signal. B. SLM (Spatial Light Modulators) SLM play an important role in several technical areas where the control of light on a pixel-by-pixel basis is a key element, such as optical processing and displays. 1) SLM For Display Purposes Fig. 1. Two semiconductor materials sandwiching an active layer There are two special semiconductor materials sandwiching an active layer where all the action takes place. But rather than reflective ends, in a VCSEL there are several layers of partially reflective mirrors above and below the active layer. Layers of semiconductors with differing compositions create these mirrors, and each mirror reflects a narrow range of wavelengths back in to the cavity in order to cause light emission at just one wavelength. For display purposes the desire is to have as many pixels as possible in as small and cheap a device as possible. For such purposes designing silicon chips for use as spatial light modulators has been effective. The basic idea is to have a set of memory cells laid out on a regular grid. These cells are electrically connected to metal mirrors, such that the voltage on the mirror depends on the value stored in the memory cell. A layer of optically active liquid crystal is sandwiched between this array of mirrors and a piece of glass with a conductive coating. The voltage between individual mirrors and the front electrode affects the optical activity of liquid crystal in that neighborhood. Hence by being able to individually program the memory locations one can set up a pattern of optical activity in the liquid crystal layer. C. Smart Pixel Technology Smart pixel technology is a relatively new approach to integrating electronic circuitry and optoelectronic devices in a common framework. The purpose is to leverage the advantages of each individual technology and provide improved performance for specific applications. Here, the electronic circuitry provides complex functionality and programmability while the optoelectronic devices provide high-speed switching and compatibility with existing optical media. Arrays of these smart pixels leverage the parallelism of optics for interconnections as well as computation. A smart pixel device, a light emitting diode under the control of a field effect transistor can now be made entirely out of organic materials on the same substrate for the first time. In general, the benefit of organic over conventional semiconductor electronics is that they should lead to cheaper, lighter, circuitry that can be printed rather than etched. D. WDM (Wavelength Division Multiplexing) Wavelength division multipl exing is a method of sending many different wavelengths down the same optical fiber. Using this technology, modern networks in which individual lasers can transmit at 10 gigabits per second through the same fiber at the same time. which interact with light and modulate its properties. Several of the optical components require efficient-nonlinear materials for their operations. What in fact restrains the widespread use of all optical devices is the in efficiency of currently available nonlinear materials, which require large amount of energy for responding or switching. Organic materials have many features that make them desirable for use in optical devices such as 1) High nonlinearities 2) Flexibility of molecular design 3) Damage resistance to optical radiations Some organic materials belonging to the classes of phthalocyanines and polydiacetylenes are promising for optical thin films and wave guides. These compounds exhibit strong electronic transitions in the visible region and have high chemical and thermal stability up to 400 degree Celsius. Polydiacetylenes are among the most widely investigated class of polymers for nonlinear optical applications. Their subpicosecond time response to laser signals makes them candidates for high-speed optoelectronics and information processing. To make thin polymer film for electro-optic applications, NASA scientists dissolve a monomer (the building block of a polymer) in an organic solvent. This solution is then put into a growth cell with a quartz window, shining a laser through the quartz can cause the polymer to deposit in specific pattern. V. ADVANCES IN PHOTONIC SWITCHES Logic gates are the building blocks of any digital system. An optical logic gate is a switch that controls one light beam by another; it is ON when the device transmits light and it is OFF when it blocks the light. Fig. 3. a. Wave length division multiplexing b. A WDM System WDM can transmit up to 32 wavelengths through a single fiber, but cannot meet the bandwidth requirements of the present day communication systems. So nowadays DWDM (Dense wavelength division multiplexing) is used. This can transmit up to 1000 wavelengths through a single fiber. That is by using this we can improve the bandwidth efficiency. IV. ROLE OF NLO IN OPTICAL COMPUTING The role of nonlinear materials in optical computing has become extremely significant. Non-linear materials are those, Fig. 4. Optical AND-logic gate To demonstrate the AND gate in the phthalocyanine film, two focused collinear laser beams are wave guided through a thin film of phthalocyanine. Nanosecond green pulsed Nd:YAG laser was used together with a red continuous wave (cw) He-Ne beam. At the output a narrow band filter was set to block the green beam and allow only the He-Ne beam. Then the transmitted beam was detected on an oscilloscope. It was found that the transmitted He-Ne cw beam was pulsating with a nanosecond duration and in synchronous with the input Nd:YAG nanosecond pulse. This demonstrated the characteristic table of an AND logic gate. A. Optical and Gate In an optical NAND gate the phthalocyanine film is replaced by a hollow fiber filled with polydiacetylene. Nd:YAG green picoseconds laser pulse was sent collinearly with red cw He-Ne laser onto one end of the fiber. At the other end of the fiber a lens was focusing the output on to the narrow slit of a monochromatic with its grating set for the red He-Ne laser. When both He-Ne laser and Nd:YAG laser are present there will be no output at the oscilloscope. If either one or none of the laser beams are present we get the output at the oscilloscope showing NAND function. faster read-out rates. This research is expected to lead to compact, high capacity, rapid-and random-access, and low power and low cost data storage devices necessary for future intelligent spacecraft. The SLMs are used in optical data storage applications. These devices are used to write data into the optical storage medium at high speed. Fig. 6. Optical Disk More conventional approaches to holographic storage use ion doped lithium niobate crystals to store pages of data. For audio recordings ,a 150MBminidisk with a 2.5- in diameter has been developed that uses special compression to shrink a standard CD’s640-MB storage capacity onto the smaller polymer substrate. It is rewritable and uses magnetic field modulation on optical material. The mini disc uses one of the two methods to write information on to an optical disk. With the mini disk a magnetic field placed behind the optical disk is modulated while the intensity of the writing laser is held constant. By switching the polarity of the magnetic field while the laser creates a state of flux in the optical material digital data can be recorded on a single layer. As with all optical storage media a read laser retrieves the data. A. Working The 780nm light emitted from AlGaAs/GaAs laser diodes is collimated by a lens and focused to a diameter of about 1micrometer on the disk. If the re is no pit where the light is incident, it is reflected at the Al mirror of the disk and returns to the lens, the depth of the pit is set at a value such that the difference between the path of the light reflected at a pit and the Fig. 5. Optical NAND-logic gate VI. OPTICAL MEMORY In optical computing two types of memory are discussed. One consists of arrays of one-bit-store elements and other is mass storage, which is implemented by optical disks or by holographic storage systems. This type of memory promises very high capacity and storage density. The primary benefits offered by holographic optical data storage over current storage technologies include significantly higher storage capacities and path of light reflected at a mirror is an integral multiple of halfwavelength consequently, if there is a pit where light is incident, the amount of reflected light decreases tremendously because the reflected lights are almost cancelled by interference. The incident and reflected beams pass through the quarter wave plate and all reflected light is introduced to the photodiode by the beam splitter because of the polarization rotation due to the quarter wave plate. By the photodiode the reflected light, which as a signal whether, a pit is on the disk or not is changed into an electrical signal. VII. APPLICATIONS 1) High speed communications: The rapid growth of internet, expanding at almost 15% per month, demands faster speeds and larger bandwidth than electronic circuits can provide. Terabits speeds are needed to accommodate the growth rate of internet since in optical computers data is transmitted at the speed of light which is of the order of 3.10*8 m/sec hence terabit speeds are attainable. 2) Optical crossbar interconnects are used in asynchronous transfer modes and Shared memory multiprocessor systems. 3) Process satellite data. VIII. MERITS 1) Optical computing is at least 1000 to 100000 times faster than today’s silicon machines. 2) Optical storage will provide an extremely optimized way to store data, with space requirements far lesser than today’s silicon chips. 3) Super fast searches through databases. 4) No short circuits, light beam can cross each other without interfering with each other’s data 5) Light beams can travel in parallel and no limit to number of packets that can travel in the photonic circuits. 6) Optical computer removes the bottleneck in the present day Communication system IX. DRAWBACKS 1) Today’s materials require much high power to work in consumer products, coming up with the right materials may take five years or more. 2) Optical computing using a coherent source is simple to compute and understand, but it has many drawbacks like any imperfections or dust on the optical components will create unwanted interference pattern due to scattering effects. Incoherent processing on the other hand cannot store phase information. X. SOME CURRENT RESEARCH High performance computing has gained momentum in recent years, with efforts to optimize all the resources of electronic computing and researcher brain power in order to increase computing throughput. Optical computing is a topic of current support in many places, with private companies as well as governments in several countries encouraging such research work. A group of researchers from the University of Southern California, jointly with a team from the University of California, los angles, have developed an organic polymer with a switching frequency of 60 GHz. This is three times faster than the current industry standard, lithium niobate crystal based device. Another group at brown university and the IBM, Alma den research center has used ultrafast laser pulses to build ultra fast data storage devices. This group was able to achieve ultra fast switching down to 100 picoseconds. In Japan , NEC has developed a method for interconnecting circuit boards optically using VCSEL arrays .Another researchers at NTT have designed an optical backplane with free-space optical interconnects using tunable beam deflectors and mirrors. The project achieved 1000 interconnections per printed circuit board; with a throughput ranging from 1 to 10 Tb/s. XI. FUTURE TRENDS The Ministry of Information Technology has initiated a photonic development program. Under this program some funded projects are continuing in fiber optic high-speed network systems. Research is going on for developing Fig.7. Use of optical devices in future New laser diodes, photo detectors, and nonlinear material studies for faster switches. Research efforts on an particle thin film or layer studies for display devices are also in progress. At the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai, efforts are in progress to generate a white light source from a diode case based fiber amplifier system in order to provide WDM communication channels. XII. CONCLUSION Research in optical computing has opened up new possibilities in several fields related to high performance computing, high-speed communications. To design algorithms that execute applications faster, the specific properties of optics must be considered, such as their ability to exploit massive parallelism, and global interconnections. As optoelectronic and smart pixel devices mature, software development will have a major impact in the future and the ground rules for the computing may have to be rewritten. XIII. REFERENCES [1] [2] See for example: Chemical and Engineering ews, Photonic Crystals. Assembled on Chip, 79(47), 31 (2001). P. Boffi, D. Piccinin, M.C. Ubaldi, (Eds.), Infrared Holography for Optical Communications echniques,MaterialsandDevices,SpringerTopics in Applied Physics: Vol 86, July 2002. Alain Goulet, Makoto Naruse, and Masatoshi Ishikawa, Simple integration technique to realize parallel optical interconnects: implementation of a pluggable two-dimensional optical data link, Applied Optics 41, 5538 (2002) Tushar Mahapatra, Sanjay Mishra, Oracle Parallel Processing, OReilly Associates, Inc., Sebastopol, California, USA, 2000. S. J. van Enk, J. McKeever, H. J. Kimble, and J. Ye, Cooling of a single atom in an optical trap inside a resonator, Phys. Rev. A 64, 013407 (2001). A. Dodabalapur, Z. Bao, A. Makhija, J. G. Laquindanum, V. R. Raju, Y. Feng, H. E. Katz, and J. Rogers, Organic smart pixels, Appl. Phys. Lett. 73, 142 (1998). Henning Sirringhaus, Nir Tessler, and Richard H. Fr iend, Integrated Optoelectronic Devices Based on Conjugated Polymers, Science 280, 1741 (1988).
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Existence of Racial Difference :: essays research papers
American tradition and culture is based around the concept of free speech. One can say what he likes, make any point he chooses, and express any opinion he desires in America. Anyone, from the homeless person, to the workingman, to the President of the United States himself is entitled to have an opinion, and to discuss it without impediment. It's considered a god-given right to speak what's on your mind. One thing that is never spoken of freely, however, is the subject of racial differences, what genetically separates us in terms of physical and mental abilities and instinct. It is almost a social "taboo" to go near anything that could possibly be construed as saying that somehow, we're not all the same, and somehow, race makes us different. Oh, no - talk about something like that and somebody might call you a "racist". And nobody likes to be called a "racist". But really, let's look at what makes us, as human beings, different from one another in terms of races of people.The differences between Negroes and Nordic Aryans particularly, because they are the most obvious and therefore the most well known. Well first, you would have to accept that there is a difference in skin color between a Black man and a White man, and this difference is caused by different melanin levels. What causes this difference? Why, it's evolution, that gradual process of genetic change due to the environment a particular species habitates. Negroes lived in very hot, sun-drenched parts of Africa, and they needed protection from the sun. So they evolved darker skin so they wouldn't get sunburned as easily. Now we all know that Africa is some of the most fertile, lush land in the world. Africa abounds with game and almost any type of fruit and berries imaginable. The actual deserts in Africa are quite small, and those images of starving African Negroes you see on your TV is only a very tiny portion of Africa's vast abundance. Any geography professor will tell you this, and they will tell you it has been like this for millennia. But look at the stark contrast in Northern Europe. The scarceness of food, the cold, the extreme Alpine landscapes of Sweden, Finland, and Germany. The birthplace of the Nordic Aryan, and a completely different type of place than Africa. Here you had to be on your toes, you had to think fast in order to survive.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Avila Auto Parts
a. The two methods of reporting in the parent company’s currency are different due to usage of different rates of exchange. Under the first method, the spot rates are to be used. Spot rates are the rates at which the transaction is carried out. This is normally a difficult approach and companies use the date on which the balance sheet and income statement is prepared. The spot is taken to be the rate of the balance sheet and other financial statements. The other method uses average rate of exchange of the period of reporting. In our case, using the two methods, we will have significant differences in the reported profits and losses. If we use the spot rate of balance sheet publication, the currency conversion factor will be 12000 pesos per dollar, whereas if we use average rate, the conversion will be done at 10,000 pesos per dollar. There will be a difference of 20 percent in the reporting. On the other hand, if the rate today has been less than the exchange rate at the beginning, the current reported figures would have been lower than those reported under first method. We should ideally use the method of spot rate at which payments are made. If it is not possible, the average rate would be better and consistent. Average can be taken for monthly figures or weekly rates to make it more accurate and representative of the realistic picture. As the income statement shows, the profits for the year were 25,000 million pesos in the local country. If it is translated to the parent company’s reporting currency using the spot rate of income statement, that is 12,000 pesos = $1, we will have net profits of $2,083,333. If we use the average rate of the period, that is (8,000+12,000)/2 = 10,000 pesos per $1, we will have net profits of $2,500,000 or $2. 5 million. Under both the methods of reporting the same profits/income of the company to its parent company, the profits are quite different simply due to the currency difference and exchange rate variation over the period. The difference in profits reported is more than $0. 4 million or roughly 20 percent which may change the decisions taken at headquarters. Taking into consideration the differences in the exchange rates and conversion risk, the company should decide on a measure to select the rate of exchange to use for its reporting during the entire life of the organization. They should consistently use whatever they have decided to use over their entire life. b. Functional currency is the one in which the operational cash is generated and is normally the currency of the country where the operations are going on. If the currency of the operating country is not stable, it can not be considered as functional currency. The stability of currency means that the rate of inflation over three year period should be less than 100 percent. As in the given case, the rate of inflation is 50 percent, (from 8,000 ps per dollar to 12,000 ps per dollar), the functional currency will be peso as the operational cash flows are generated in pesos and the inflation is within the limits. If the inflation over the past two years reaches 150 %, the functional currency will be changed to the reporting currency of the parent company, which in our case is dollar. . Economic exposure for Avila can be seen by the given conversion rates and their variability over such a short period of time. Economic exposure is the effect of foreign currency rate changes to the cash flows and other measures of operational performance. The exposure for any company is affected by the industry it is operating in and the stability of the currency of its operating country and the parent company. If there is excess demand of pesos, it will push th e rates of pesos higher and vice versa. If the rate gets higher, that is there will be less pesos in a dollar, the performance in the parent company’s report will be better than the situation when the exchange rate gets low. The two reporting methods will lead to significant differences in reported profits and losses to the parent company, from the operations in some other country. 3. Hedging can be a good option to protect the company against any unforeseen changes in the exchange rates. The company can make hedging I a number of ways to make itself protected against foreign exchange risk. Four positions are possible to provide such a protection using simple forward contracts and options. a. Long forward Under long forward position, the company at the operating country can take a long forward position to fix exchange rate (today) for a future date of transaction. Taking a long position means that the investor is agreeing to buy the underlying asset, at a specified price, agreed by both parties, on some future date. The contract has to be executed irrespective of what the conversion rate will be. Unlike options, none of the parties has the option to execute the contract or revoke it, but it is mandatory for both of them to carry it out. b. Short forward Short forward position can act equally well at the parent company’s location. The parent company at the parent country can go to short forward position so that it can sell dollars to pesos at a rate specified today. Using both the positions they can hedge the overall loss and can be certain about the expected gains. Options provide a type of insurance against any unforeseen changes in exchange rate. The buyer of call option and the seller of put option, both have the right to exercise the option or to waste it. The maximum loss in wasting the option is restricted to the price of the option. In this way, the company can set a floor to its loss and can gain as much as it can. c. Long Call Long call allows the parent company to buy a right to buy at a specified rate at some future point in time. If the rate increases, the company will have the option to buy at a lower rate than the market going rate, if it goes down, the loss will be restricted to the price of the option and the gains can be as much as the rate goes down. . Short Put Short Put will allow the company at the operating country to enter into a position to sell a right to sell at a set rate. The working for this will be exactly in the opposite manner as the long call position. 4. Financial architecture affects the overall cost for the company. If the inflation is high and the interest rates are high for a high risk firm , the cost of obtaining financing from banks and other Financial Institutions (FIs) will be high. Equity financing or market financing will require a higher rate of return, but the firm may shift the payments to some future period. As for bank financing or debt financing, it will have to make payments to the lending institution within the given timeframe. The firms may choose to go for a certain debt to equity ratio to gain advantage of optimal capital structure to optimize their costs of capital or WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital). 5. Euro currency is the use of currency in some other country. This in our case refers to storage, saving of pesos in the parent country where the currency in use is dollars. This will provide the company benefits in terms of advantage in domestic interest rate regulations and other barriers to free flow of cash. Firms participate in the euro currency markets to gain the benefits from exchange rate inefficiencies and under or over valuation of some currencies. If the investments are in the parent company’s currency and the operations are in the local currency of country where operations are being carried out, the exchange rate plays a vital role when calculating returns on investments for the company’s investments and funding by the parent company. If the domestic currency rises in operating country, the rate of return required should be higher than normal to overcome the exchange differences and vice versa. To overcome this difference and the problems due to fluctuating exchange rates, companies enter euro-currency markets where they can keep their money in parent company’s currency and convert it to functional currency as and when needed. This provides them the opportunity to maintain the required base in terms of parent company’s currency. 6. Other alternatives to run a firm’s fund-flow mechanism are to use various swaps in the form of interest rate swaps or foreign currency swaps. MNCs can go for unbundling of their costs at headquarters to affiliate companies of subsidiaries. In this way they can divide their costs to subsidiaries. Multinationals can go for transfer pricing mechanisms to avoid taxes on their overall operations. This can be done by pricing their internally traded goods for the purpose of moving profits to low tax nations. This will provide them an overall higher profitability. Companies can also create re-invoicing centers to avoid exchange rate fluctuations. The invoice currency will be the one used rather than the operating currency. This will reduce their exposure to currency and exchange rate risk. This will increase communication costs and to some extent create an overhead whereby the overall time delays and costs will be increased. MNCs can also transfer funds to their parent companies as dividends if the local conditions and regulatory framework is favorable. The major benefits of using different mechanisms can be obtained because of differences in the tax mechanisms and tax systems in different countries. Firms, by simply moving their profits from high tax region to a low tax region can save on their overall taxes provided the costs of moving are not high enough to make it unprofitable.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Mean Creek- Important Idea
Explain an important idea in a text you have studied. Explain why you found it interesting. Discuss visual and verbal techniques in your answer. In the film Mean Creek directed by Jacob Aaron Estes, the important idea of loss of innocence is very interesting as it tells the story and shows us how quickly things can change. The director shows us this through the way the characters change during the burial of George, the word â€Å"snap†written in a tree and the guilt felt by Millie and Sam. Firstly I found the important idea of loss of innocence interesting during the burial of George as this is when they lose their innocence.When they decide to bury Georges body the character all lose what innocence they had left. This is shown as everyone help besides Millie who doesn’t want to have a part in it. At this moment the director uses a combination of dark lighting and close up shots of Millie’s partially hidden face in the shadows of the trees to show how dark and l ost Millie has become since the death of George. She is hiding from the truth and wants to act like nothing is going to change. The director also uses a slow sad chelo during this scene as lament like, it is a metaphor for the death of Millie’s and everyone else’s innocence.Millie is already starting to feel guilty as she earlier in the film stated â€Å"go ahead Clyde start the game†. This shows she does not feel innocent at all but does not want to admit it. When Millie is by herself instead of helping with the burial a foley effect is used as she stabs a snail followed by sudden silence. This was Millie’s was to let at all her frustration and anger on the events that have occurred and her own actions which contributed in Georges death. This scene helps makes the important idea interesting as it is the moment when they all lose their innocence.Secondly I found the important idea interesting through the way Millie carved the word â€Å"snap†into a tree. At the start of the film when Millie and Sam are innocently talking about what George did to Sam, Millie says â€Å"If you could snap your fingers and he would drop dead in his tracks would you? A wide shot is used to show George sitting down by himself, this shows how lonely he is and makes us actually feel sympathy towards him. This is followed by silence which shows how Sam doesn’t want to hurt George. This emphasises the innocence of Sam as he did not wish to do anything which could result in the death of George.This Quote foreshadows the death of George. As a viewer tension builds u as we wait the events that link to the death. After the death of George, Millie engraves the word â€Å"Snap†into a tree. This is significant as it shows how life can change as fast as the snap of the fingers. A foley effect is used on the scratching of the knife on the tree to show Millie’s anger and how she feels they have not only turned flipped there life upside do wn but they took a life and destroyed Georges relatives lives. The foley effect turns your attention the Millie as the viewer anticipates what she is writing . e now see how just 24 hours before they were all living a normal happy life but now they are emotionally distort and stumped for a conclusion of what to do. The word snap makes the important idea of loss of innocence interesting as it shows how fast they have totally lost their innocence. Lastly loss of innocence is seen as interesting as Millie and Sam come out and talk about what has happened. When Sam goes to Millie’s room we notice a great change in her personality and feelings. Millie is no longer a bright happy person as we now see her as a frightened little girl.The director uses dark lighting and a wide shot to shows as Millie steering into the mirror. When Millie is steering into the mirror it is silent as she looks frustrated and confused as if she thinks her appearance should have change but everything looks the same as if nothing has happened. When Sam talks to Millie a combination of dark lighting and close up shots of Millie’s half hidden face in the darkness of her bedroom show us how miserable she looks as she is hiding from the truth and is in denial of the fact that their life has changed. What do you want†, â€Å"I was just there†shows us how Millie does not want to accept the truth as well as the consequences of her actions but knows she can not live with all the guilt. Millie was trying to act like she feels innocent but the remorseful ton in her voice suggests otherwise. Sam and Millie know they are not innocent as the guilt inside them grows and makes them wonder if keeping George’s death a secret is the best thing to do. When we become doctors and lawyers and all that what do you think it will be like? †The director follows this question with silence to show how they both think telling the truth and accepting the consequences will be best . This makes us feel sorry for them and it is as if some of their innocence has come back to them as we are reminded of the fact that they are still children when they talk about their future and that they have â€Å"come to a decision†of telling the truth which is what they wanted in the first place.In conclusion I found the important idea of loss of innocence very interesting as the director takes as on a roller-coaster of feelings as kids make the biggest decision of their lives. With the burial of George, the word â€Å"Snap†and the guilt felt by Sam and Millie the children’s innocence is lost but they regain some as they come to the correct conclusion. The interesting idea of loss of innocence shows us how fast some of the most innocent people feel guilty and how people can unintentionally lose their innocence in a matter of minutes.
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